Can’t wait to see it

  • and they’re absolutely right about this. when’s the last time i watched a preview before going into a Ghibli film? at most, i’ll decide “i want to watch a Ghibli film this week” and then go to the review sites or fan forums or ask my friends to choose which one to watch. but you don’t really need more than that when you’ve built an audience that trusts you in the way Miyazaki’s fans do.

    he’s earned his respect, and now he’s calling upon it. i respect that.

    • I find trailers often help feed my hype for seeing something or help tip me for/against seeing something. The second part definitely isn’t going to be in play here, but the first part still can.

  • I love it! In a world that’s geared towards constantly bombarding us with stuff we don’t want anything to do with, this is the most Studion Gibli thing I can think of. This anti-promotion is the best kind of promotion and perfectly encapsulates the kind of social critique Miyazaki is so well known for. All while being a publicity stunt in itself, he manages to hold up this mirror to the landscape of modern advertising by deciding to not even pick up the figurative mirror in the first place. You just gotta love this man sometimes. I can’t wait to watch this movie.

  •  ipkpjersi   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    I think it makes sense. They know people who are going to watch it will already do so, which means there’s no need for formalities like trailers. Studio Ghibli fans will know it’ll be good, and they’ll watch it. It makes sense to me.