CaptainEffort ( ) English6•2 years agoDamn that’s cool! It’s eyes are way too big for its head lol.
I do quite love him hahaha, i’ve found him to be one of the few snakes even people with the phobia can’t help but love.
Username ( ) English4•2 years agoCute Snake! I love Snakes but I could never have one because I also love Rats!
There are actually a variety of snakes you can get that don’t eat rodents, especially small ones, you could get an african egg eating snake (warning: it is very hard to find eggs for babies as they’ll eat finch eggs, but adult females can do quail eggs, which are much easier to find) and garter snakes can eat fish, there’s also dekays brown snakes which can subsist off of worms/insects and are very small
Username ( ) English2•2 years agohuh the more you know! Please excuse my ignorance and thank you for the education!
No problem at all!
Juniper ( ) English4•2 years agoI’ve never seen this snake before and I already love them.
Also, hello new mod and fellow ancom! Happy to have you here.
Happy to be here!
I wish they could be kept well as captives but alas, they don’t make good captives.
I plan on getting some of the least frightening snakes in my (far) future zoo, to educate people about them and make them hate snakes less.
edit: wanted to add, they might make good captives someday, their main problem is obtaining them captive bred is nearly impossible, never buy wild caught animals unless you intend to bring a species into the hobby through breeding!
michael ( ) English3•2 years agoYes, I’d love to see some snakes around here!
Moneymunkie ( ) English3•2 years agoEye eye cap’n :o
Hey be careful saying eye eye the poor guy might be sensitive about his eyes, look at them!
edit: actually, I realized, I thought you were replying to my post giving advice on other snakes for people averse to rodent feeding, but now it’s showing your comment as all on its own and I recognize you were joking haha
Moneymunkie ( ) English3•2 years agoNah you were right the first time, I was doing a bit of a silly hehe. Though they have nothing to worry about with a cute pair of eyes that!
Ah, lemmy is a bit… imperfect right now, but we’ll get there!
Moneymunkie ( ) English3•2 years agoMmhmm! Gonna take some adjusting but hey ho :p
ReMikeAble ( ) English3•2 years agoWhat and where is the natural habitat for Mr. Big Eyes?
They’re arboreal and from central/south america!
PascalPistachios ( ) English2•2 years agoWhat’s it like having the best username on the site? Also. Fantastic image. I’m saving it.
I’ve always felt like my default username stems from a lack of creativity, so, thanks!
PascalPistachios ( ) English2•2 years agoHey, it’s to the point. No beating around the bush. I can respect that.
burgersc12 ( ) English2•2 years agoCool snake. Got any cool snake facts?
Some people believe snakes unhinge their jaw in order to eat their prey whole, but this is actually not true, if you think about it, unhinging your jaw would just leave it floppy and unusable, what they actually do is much cooler anyway
Their bottom jaw is actually two separate pieces, it doesn’t connect at the middle, and because of this they can walk prey down their mouths.
makingStuffForFun ( ) English2•2 years agoOh my. It’s beautiful