Any suggestions on the best all-rounder OS? Is Raspberry Pi OS still the better option?
Its been so long since I ran this. Pi4, 8gb for reference.
moonleay ( ) English5•2 years agoHmm.
Probably, since it is optimized for the rpi.
Immortal0861 ( ) English4•2 years agoSeconded, also helps that the rpi-update and other utitilities for firmware updates/overclocking are already bundled and well supported.
I’ve been using it all day, really really impressed!
gaylord ( ) English4•2 years agoheh, nice pic
This is either absolute approval of the power of a 486 (with turbo speed no less!), or some slight judgement over my Neon Genesis Evangelion obsession…
I’m fine with it either way!
Synthclair ( ) English3•2 years agoFor desktop use I would recommend Raspberry Pi OS too - if it is going to be for desktop use, I found that using the option to boot directly from an SSD (if available) gives it a bit of extra smoothness.
Oh I remember that feature when it was ‘coming soon’, and never actually using it. Perfect opportunity to use it. Thanks for the reminder!
jsqribe ( ) English2•2 years agoI’ve used EndeavourOS and Ubuntu mainly on my PIs, it depends what you are wanting to do with it. I enjoyed endeavouros more
Storksforlegs ( ) English1•2 years agoA few years ago I had success running Ubuntu MATE on my pi (PI 2 Model B), all I did was writing, browsing and some emulation gaming but it ran pretty well.
Helix ( ) English1•2 years agoNice case, can you tell us which one it is, please?
If I would use a Raspi as a desktop, I’d install Arch Linux ARM or Armbian on it, however Raspberry Pi OS is probably also a good choice.
the Flirc case for Raspberry Pi
Can’t recommend it enough!