So I was a bit hesitant to share this, since my bread’s presentation is pretty rough. However, it’s really tasty and my family tends to devour it pretty quickly so it must be good, right?
Anyway, here’s my novice bread! It’s typical white bread using normal flour, nothing terribly fancy (yet). My plan is to keep baking and improve, though my technique still needs work (I don’t know about “punching bread” and I kinda just, scoop it all into a pan).
Also this is my first post, I hope I did everything right - ahhh
Trabic ( ) 3•2 years agoCall it a foccacia and then it’s fancy!
You could probably bake it in a loaf pan if you want something more traditional looking. The sides will give it some support for a bit more oven spring.
En guete!
Oh it *was *in a loaf pan, that was after I took it out haha. That’s why it has that shape - I love my little bread pan!
Trabic ( ) 2•2 years agoMaybe I need a banana for scale.
It looks like it is the size of a piece of paper, I was thinking about an 8x4 or 9x5 type pan.
Oooh I have those too! That’s a great idea!
Silverhand ( ) 2•2 years agoNice! Doesn’t look bad at all even if it’s not fancy, and it’s the taste that really matters
Thank you! I’ve seen professional breadmakers’ work and really want to aspire to at least be sorta on their level, so I’ll keep trying! :)