zach ( ) English85•2 years agoAre people really that angry? I mean I know we live in a crazy world, but this seems a bit much.
SpeedyCat2014 ( ) English148•2 years agoNo, this loser has a persecution fetish, nothing more.
It feeds his narcissism to think people care that much offline.
CleoTheWizard ( ) English25•2 years agoOkay let’s not kid ourselves. I know reddit is quiet right now but the entire website is angry at them. Their inbox is likely full of death threats. People are searching for their employee information.
I get that it’s fun to hate on spez and all but people have hunted employees down for less before. So yeah, while this is a justified protest and I dislike spez, we should all want to keep reddit employees safe right now. Most of them aren’t the problem.
boobas ( ) English11•2 years agoIt’s hard to wrap my head around the idea of sending death threats, people walking around with so much hate filled up that they lash out at the most detrimental things.
It’s a corporate decision, protests (subreddits going dark) and constructive critiscm from the userbase is the only way to make the voice heard.
I’m happy that another platform (Lemmy) existed which is more suitable and designed like the layout to migrate to. Otherwise this ordeal would really suck.
ddh ( ) English1•2 years agoPeople hate me? Must be my shirt. Better warn the others.
No, I don’t think so. This is coming from the same guy who claimed that the Apollo dev tried to extort him for $10 million and threatened him, when the Apollo Dev had the phone call recorded and proved that he only offered to sell the company.
He’s feeling threatened and trying to make the users participating in the blackout look bad. zach ( ) English36•2 years agoAnything for that IPO, I guess…
NewEnglandRedshirt ( ) English25•2 years agoHas there ever been an IPO of zero? Because it wouldn’t surprise me at this point…
rs5th ( ) English20•2 years agoI feel like WeWork got close.
zach ( ) English13•2 years agoAfter the 30th, we might see it. They haven’t exactly handled this situation well, so I don’t have high hopes for the transition when they do finally enact their pricing changes.
SpeedyCat2014 ( ) English8•2 years agoIt honestly sounds like the place is run like a clown car.
KilgoreTrout ( ) English9•2 years went bankrupt within 12 months of its IPO. It was ahead of its time.
Crackhappy ( ) English6•2 years agoI’ve got my shorts ready for summer…
borlax ( ) English31•2 years agoNo, this is just how an out of touch rich dude thinks whenever anyone has criticisms of him or the platform he thinks he owns.
JohnDClay ( ) English28•2 years agoNo, but like saying the appolo dev is blackmailing them, spez is trying to twist the narrative
PrinceHabib72 ( ) English31•2 years agoHe even claims that around a thousand subreddits went dark. It was 8,000. Hundreds are already pledging to stay dark indefinitely, including huge ones like r/aww and r/videos.
bermuda ( ) English10•2 years agoI wouldn’t be surprised to see sockpuppet accounts starting / running some kind of “r/videosnew” and “r/awwnew” if they stay offline for a longer period of time
HiDiddlyDoodlyHo ( ) English19•2 years agospez will probably just instate new puppet mods and forcefully reopen them.
haelusnovak ( ) English1•2 years agoI think he’s just making it clear that only those with many, many users matter to him, because individuals generate little value for him. He probably only counted the most popular subreddits as worth noticing.
zach ( ) English11•2 years agoI imagine he personally is under immense pressure right now, and that probably isn’t doing too well for his decision making. It’s either that or this guy really just doesn’t like the users that would be enabling a very large payday for him and their investors.
GhostMagician ( ) English24•2 years agoNo it’s just the common tactic from companies when there isn’t a good reception to one of their decisions. Then they just cherry pick some comments from Twitter or whatever and set the stage.
possiblylinux127 ( ) English16•2 years agoAll it takes is one crazy guy. If you think about the size of reddit it makes sense that there is at least one who is willing to harm others
blindsight ( ) English10•2 years agoThe incel terrorists in Canada were both on Reddit, iirc. There are some incredibly fringe communities on Reddit. And Lemmy, for that matter.
So, yeah. Agreed. If 1 in a million is violent, that’s enough people for someone to get hurt.
Rick ( ) English11•2 years agoWell, considering people are doing bomb threats over bud light right now…
Sad. Sad. Reality.
borlax ( ) English19•2 years agoThe people pissed about bud light are on Facebook.
zach ( ) English15•2 years agoRight, which is why I can understand it as a “just in case…” type thing, but I really haven’t seen anyone all that upset about it, not to the point where they’re threatening violence against Reddit staff (which wouldn’t make sense anyways, since this is clearly a decision made by the executives, and not regular employees).
Strange times.
Aninjanameddaryll ( ) English6•2 years agoOh, you just don’t know the right crazy people.
A quote from someone I know irl, “he’s lucky I don’t live there. I would find him and curb stomp his albino hamster looking ass”.
But even the craziest people I know haven’t suggested that kind of thing about employees.
merkin ( ) English10•2 years agoIt’s not like he was nice to a Trans person once. They probably won’t get bomb threats.
CeruleanRuin ( ) English7•2 years agoI can’t say I’d assault someone wearing reddit swag, but I’d probably cross the street…
lindgrenj6 ( ) 4•2 years agoalso of all the people to literally attack employees…redditors are probably the least likely.
magnetosphere ( ) English4•2 years agoThis is pathetic. Making others afraid is how weak, insignificant people feel powerful and important.
Banzai51 ( ) English74•2 years ago“We’re being persecuted!!! Violence!!! Give me sympathy!!! I’m not the bad buy here!!!” -Spez.
Kuroneko ( ) English23•2 years agoVery appropriate typo. He is indeed a bad buy as well as a bad guy.
Banzai51 ( ) English2•2 years agoYeah, I saw the typo and laughed. What the heck, let it ride!
Djokkum ( ) English41•2 years agoThe attitude he seems to have bothers me so much.
“[this blowup] will pass”
He doesn’t even seem to take this whole thing seriously. “Give it two weeks, those suckers will have forgotten all about this”. It’s insulting.
pfannkuchen_gesicht ( ) English23•2 years agoI’m afraid he might be right though. Lot’s of people don’t really care and seem to be fine with the official app…
chaos ( ) English19•2 years agoThe key thing will be what the moderators do, they’re the ones with actual leverage. Reddit depends on them doing unpaid labor for the site to function, and while the average user probably just uses the official app and site, the moderators are much more like the third-party app users and often depend on the same or similar tools to do their job. If they take mass action, they could really disrupt things much more than just a temporary blackout. Mass replacement of them would be a lot of hassle, and either lots of money to hire staff to do it or lots of time for fresh new mods to make people angry as they learn the ropes.
But, then again, mods do tend to like the control they get over their little fiefdoms, so I’m not all that optimistic that enough will choose to throw their rings into Mount Doom. We’ll see though.
jonne ( ) English1•2 years agoThe mods can be replaced by new ones. I’m sure there’s some that would jump at the chance to take over some of the big ones.
maynarkh ( ) English12•2 years agoI don’t really care, I’m off Reddit either way.
Djokkum ( ) English11•2 years agoI CAN DREAM
david ( ) English22•2 years agoYeah, you can’t have it both ways:
- It’s nothing, it’ll all blow over, they’ll get over it
- They’re so angry our employees are in physical danger
I suspect that the truth is he’s feeling a lot of hate just now from the reddit community and he wants the employees to identify with him rather than with the users.
Infinifox ( ) English6•2 years agoI feel like he might be right though, a blackout is no big deal if it’s only 48 hours. Anything short of leaving and moving to another platform is not something to be taken seriously.
im stuff ( ) English33•2 years agopr strategy, it’s the user’s fault, make investors and employees fear and hate the user mob and not the poor defenseless company
Kushan ( ) English23•2 years agoBut as defences go, it’s a pretty braindead one - the very people Spez is trying to demonise is his userbase. Why would you invest in a company that has such dangerous users?
im stuff ( ) English14•2 years agosame reason this all started in the first place, unlike you and me spez sees reddit as entirely independent of its community
to this guy, community is a tool that can be balanced and leveraged rather than central to his brand’s identity
noelnh ( ) English30•2 years ago„The only long-term solution is improving our product“ What I don’t get is in what way these changes are supposed to improve Reddit. Especially considering that how pissed off many volunteers that Reddit absolutely needs are. Such an unlikeable twat…
Rinox ( ) English28•2 years agoYou don’t understand, what users really crave are live-streams, chats, trending topics and avatars. That’s what reddit is all about /s
GeekFTW ( ) English19•2 years agoNot just avatars, NFT avatars!
“what, you guys don’t have phones?”
office_account ( ) English12•2 years ago„The only long-term solution is improving our product“ What I don’t get is in what way these changes are supposed to improve Reddit
That’s just normal corpo-babble.
Companies always claim to put the customer first and the turn around and increase prices or monetize previously free features.
Dear Faye ( ) English28•2 years agoHigh-ranking corporate individuals really are so very out of touch with the situation on the ground, aren’t they? It’s insane they’re wording things as if it’s the people’s fault for simply not understanding they want more money or that they literally LIED about being blackmailed. It makes me sick.
Knusper ( ) English24•2 years agoWhy would anyone want to be seen wearing Reddit swag after that whole shitshow? I would be embarassed to be working for them.
bermuda ( ) English21•2 years agoi couldn’t imagine being seen in public wearing reddit swag in general, much less after the API announcement
BlinkerFluid ( ) English21•2 years ago“Sick retro swag! I remember Reddit!”
Djokkum ( ) English21•2 years ago“
hanzspez, are we the baddies?” SkepticElliptic ( ) English20•2 years agoHe’s worried that his employees might get poached now. If I worked there I’d be thinking about leaving and if I was trying to hire at another company I’d be trying to steal whatever talent they have over there.
sotolf ( ) English2•2 years agoWell if you look at their app talent would be stretching it…
SkepticElliptic ( ) English3•2 years agoYou can’t outperform bad management.
khoplex ( ) English19•2 years ago“Oh no! Everyone is angry at me/us. Quick! Act like a victim, make the users were screwing over the bad guys!” u/spez probably
sotolf ( ) English18•2 years ago“We absolutely must ship what we said we would” Yeah right, everything else they have promised never led to anything, but this, this we have to push through :p
Aninjanameddaryll ( ) English14•2 years agoHe’s the one that has to worry about a project mayhem castration, not the employees lol.
handhookcardoor ( ) English13•2 years agoGod, he’s so fucking stupid.
monerobull ( ) 11•2 years ago💀