stolen from celtiberian-idiot on tumblr
markipol ( ) 60•2 years agoFirefox mobile with uBlock origin is a fucking godsend, the mobile web is nigh unusable without it because of ads.
Lanthanae ( ) 13•2 years agoWhenever I’m watching someone else use a browser and I see how many ads there are, I realize how great UBlock is.
FishfoxNuro ( ) 8•2 years agoIt’s also part of why I don’t use apps for things like YouTube: I don’t have to deal with ads if I just access the site like normal via Firefox.
I_like_cats ( ) 7•2 years agoIf you want to put in a little effort: Youtube Revanced is the official Youtube app without ads
hemko ( ) 2•2 years agoLibreTube is great as well
bottom_text ( ) 1•2 years agoRevanced my guy
Little Trans Punk ( ) 8•2 years agoGod tier is Firefox nightly with uBlock origin and shinigami eyes (isn’t installable on other mobile Firefox apps)
delmain ( ) 3•2 years agoYou need to be able to see how long people have until they die?
(What does “Shinigami Eyes” do?)
Little Trans Punk ( ) 10•2 years agoShinigami Eyes is a browser extension for Firefox and chrome that will change the link color of different sites and online profiles depending on whether they are trans friendly or anti-trans. It’s community driven on the info it uses and saves time of researching an individual, company, or site to figure out if they are dangerous to us or not.
Holzkohlen ( ) 1•2 years agoWait, it colors the names of users too? That is pretty cool.
Unlix86 ( ) 1•2 years agoThanks, I already used Firefox Nightly with Ublock Origin but imma also add Shinigami Eyes
Vaseline ( ) 5•2 years agoCheckout iceraven
PelicanPersuader ( ) 3•2 years agoBlokada 5 VPN, even better. Blocks ads in apps too.
Monologue ( ) 40•2 years ago Hadley ( ) 9•2 years ago AleGex ( ) 2•2 years agoThe fussy
PhenolFight ( ) 34•2 years agoReject Manifest V3, return to fox browser.
meow_d ( ) 16•2 years agoi know this is a joke, but: firefox is still implementing manifest v3. the difference is that they’re keeping WebRequest
blahaj ( ) 21•2 years agoYes, but they will keep supporting MV2 “for the foreseeable future”, which means that all old extensions should keep working. It is going to be somewhat scary when they decide to remove MV2 support, but for now we are good.
Zonkko ( ) 2•2 years agoIIRC they said that they will keep MV2 until they are able to make the extensions work without MV2
Moss ( ) 30•2 years agoFIREFOX MY BELOVED!!! I haven’t touched chrome since summer of 2019, don’t regret the switch one bit.
KermitLeFrog ( ) 27•2 years agoI went to Firefox when Chrome made their position on adblock perfectly clear. Ublock Origin still works on FF babeeeee
alright now put on the ears and install Arch
HoodieGyaru ( ) 12•2 years agoNot to mention the Firefox app on Android allows add-ons so you can use Ublock Origin on it too.
MetroIsntAMetro ( ) 2•2 years agoFirefox nightly and beta allows full fledged desktop extensions as well
- Smorty [she/her] ( ) 1•1 year ago
Why is Firefox not on F-Droid? So weird how Fennec and Mull and some other forks are there, but not the OG.
IntangibleSloth ( ) 6•2 years agoFor what its worth it still works on Chrome/Edge currently.
gapbetweenus ( ) 3•2 years agoThe moment it stops I switch.
Da_Boom ( ) 2•2 years agoalright now put on the ears and install Arch
Already have, and my Lemmy instance is
halva ( ) 1•2 years agoublock still works on chromium browsers, it’s just that it’s less feature rich
- Smorty [she/her] ( ) 1•1 year ago
It’s the lite edition. So ye, Firefox for the win (and all it’s cool forks)
Phuntis ( ) 24•2 years agocause I’m already on firefox silly
dubstowel ( ) 19•2 years agoI love my little purple unstable fox 😀
FishfoxNuro ( ) 3•2 years agoI vibe with Firefox Nightly. It’s unstable, but I’ve only had a build completely stop functioning once.
radicalpersondude ( ) 14•2 years agoLibrewolf is great; ngl it feels like vanilla Firefox has gotten too comfortable pushing sponsored content as of late
Lanthanae ( ) 24•2 years agoTbf Mozilla needs money to keep doing good work, and I don’t mind “paying” for Firefox like that when the only alternatives are “paying” by letting Google track and sell my personal data.
That is true. But honestly, when it comes to software I’d just rather be left alone, it’s why I moved from Windows in the first place.
I totally wouldn’t mind donating to Mozilla in some other way though.
Lanthanae ( ) 7•2 years agoI’m pretty sure they accept donations
Good to know, I’ll be sure to donate then
GenericUsername ( ) 3•2 years agoThat money’s going to Mozila tho (or the Mozilla foundation or something, I never get the exact details right without looking up).
Anyway, the point is it will not be used to fund Firefox development if that is where you intend it to go. Can’t, for legal reasons or other bs.
Probably no harm in donating whatsover, they do other great stuff aswell, just YSK.
kopper [they/them] ( ) 1•2 years agoas far ar I know:
the corporation builds the browser
the foundation does activism (and owns the corporation)
MZLA only exists because thunderbird needed some legal entity after Mozilla handed it over to the community
kopper [they/them] ( ) 3•2 years agodon’t donate. they don’t go to the browser
buy the VPN if you can. or pocket premium if such thing exists. those go to the browser
indite ( ) 13•2 years agoI wuv firefox :3
Abel ( ) 12•2 years agoI’m on Vivaldi AFTER Firefox. Am I a pos-furry?
- SSUPII ( ) 5•2 years ago
Is Chromium
Crow of Minerva ( ) 4•2 years agoVivaldi gang
Abel ( ) 5•2 years agocan’t hear to the others over the sound of my lateral bars and easy tab tilling
sounddrill ( ) 11•2 years agoMobile addons say hello
areyouevenreal ( ) 11•2 years agoAlready using FireFox. It’s nice that it comes preinstalled on most Linux distros too.
TenNinetythree ( ) 10•2 years agoAlready there!
Dasnap ( ) 9•2 years agoI already moved from lion daddy browser to fox daddy browser.
Arystique ( ) 9•2 years agoI mean I use Firefox, but why is it a better alternative? (I think I started using it cause it doesn’t stop screen sharing on discord)
SKUNK ( ) 39•2 years agoMainly because it’s not a Chromium based browser. Chrome is making it hard/impossible to use adblock, and if Firefox were to die for whatever reason, Google would basically monopolize the way we interact with the internet (which it has almost done already)
- argv_minus_one ( ) 1•2 years ago
uBlock Origin will still work in Firefox on 1 Jan 2024, and that’s more than I can say for most other browsers.