As states across the country move to make sure students are well fed, Republicans have announced their intention to fight back.

    • That’s the thing - they don’t see it that way. Their voters think that it won’t affect them because they’re not abusing the system, but it’ll be a good thing to give freeloaders the boot. Their cognitive dissonance doesn’t let them realize that they are also part of the group that will be affected.

      You see it am the time. They hold two contrary beliefs with no problem arguing for both.

  • To all you folks complaining about how such a policy would make the very poorest children not get anything to eat during a time of especially great hardship. Yes I know some kids will literally starve because of this, but have you for even a second considered thinking about things from a billionaire’s perspective and what they have to go through? Just for once? Yeah, I didn’t think so.

    • I mean, don’t they already? Whoever has the contract for supplying the food to the schools is making bank, especially if they can keep the politicians on their side.

      I said this on the place that won’t be named, and got downvoted. Poor dumb people are FAR easier to control/exploit than well educated people who have a financial safety net (be it private or social).

      • I said this on the place that won’t be named, and got downvoted. Poor dumb people are FAR easier to control/exploit than well educated people who have a financial safety net (be it private or social)

        I know plenty of people who are constantly hurt financially by republican policies and still spout off gop talking points and vote along party lines. It blows my mind. Kinda like when I was a career firefighter and would sit at the dinner table in the firehouse and listen to guys who railed against taxes and “the government” when their income depended on taxes and “the government”. I should have seen back then that you can’t reason with people who are 100% bought in with the propaganda. When I’d ask them what they will do for a living if all taxes were abolished the just blew it off.

        • listen to guys who railed against taxes and “the government” when their income depended on taxes and “the government”.

          Not just their income, but every piece of gear in the place including safety equipment. Literally voting against their own survival.

          • Good point. We did have the best equipment available since the county we worked in was one of the richest in the country and had a decent property tax rate. Most of those guys also were anti-union but were members of our union for their own benefit. When it come time to collectively bargain though they wanted to leave it up to the county council because they thought the union had to much power. I’m glad I had retired by then because it would have been hard to have a civil discussion with them about that.