It’s open to public comment and today is the last day. Have a look at the agenda and submit a comment, if you like.

  • Matters to be Considered: The agenda will include discussions on Mpox vaccines, influenza vaccines, pneumococcal vaccines, meningococcal vaccines, Polio vaccine, respiratory syncytial virus vaccine pediatric/maternal, respiratory syncytial virus vaccine in older adults, dengue vaccines, Chikungunya vaccine, informational session by CDC Immunization Safety Office, and COVID–19 vaccines. Recommendation votes on influenza vaccines, pneumococcal vaccines, Polio vaccines, and respiratory syncytial virus vaccine in older adults are scheduled. A VFC vote on pneumococcal vaccines is scheduled. Agenda items are subject to change as priorities dictate. For more information on the meeting agenda visit

    Figured I’d save people some effort reading through the page.