Traffic sucks… the solution might not be what you think though.

and table of contents:

00:00 Intro

02:12 It Takes Too Long

05:37 Travel Is Too Unpredictable

07:43 The Experience Of Traffic is Terrible

09:30 Watershed Analogy

10:13 What Do We Do?

  • As a FuckCars fan I actually like the frame of mind he takes in the video and he might have convinced me that instead of just saying fuck cars we should be demanding local/neighborhood services so we aren’t all driving to the same space for food/services/entertainment/etc

    • It is certainly a much more agreeable position. I cant stand for the “fuck cars” mindset myself even though I hate driving, but I’m all for more local services. Having things in walking/cycling distance is way better than banning cars. It is the difference between giving something and taking it away.