I don’t know if I agree with the characterization that Apollo is a fully direct competitor of Reddit.
Okay, hold on, timeout. You go to the App Store, you type in Reddit, you get two options, right? There’s Apollo. You go to one, it’s my business, and you look at our ads, use our products. That’s 95 percent of our iOS users. The rest go to Apollo, which uses our logo, or something like it, takes our data — for free — and resells it to users making a 100 percent margin. And instead of using our app, they use that app. Is that not competitive?
Man, that guy’s just so full of shit. I don’t think he really thinks of reddit as being a democratic platform. If he does, he doesn’t know what democracy means…
No you see, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is democratic right? It’s in the name. So Reddit clearly it cause Steve claims it is. After all, why would a dictator right and just leader lie?
You’re right, I wasn’t thinking straight. Of course it is like this, how could my first assumption ever be true in this fully united and peaceful world :)
What a rollercoaster of an interview.
Reminded me of Randy Marsh, scrambling for a Whole Foods, but instead it’s Huffman doing damage control trying to leverage a better IPO and that sweet AI money. ‘No no no, wait, we’re democratic! We allow the peasants to protest! We only get upset about the 5% we don’t control after 10 years and AI FOMO.’
And Bob Slydell, but it’s Sir Huffs A Lot explaining how users and mods built the corpus he’s trying to leverage. Desperately trying not to sound as if users and 3rd parties could align to abandon him. He worked with the accessibility apps, damnit! He deals with the community so OpenAI doesn’t have to!
If only I could gif. It needs some refining but I think it could work.
Isn’t apollo free? Am I missing something here? I have no idea what he’s getting at. If a dev is making your service B E T T E R then leave them be or just make a better app! They’re bringing people to his site. Apollo should be charging reddit at this rate!
Big clown moves from this fella, he fell out of the goofy tree.
We’re perfectly willing to work with the folks who want to work with us, including figuring out what that transition period will look like.