• sounds about right. I’m currently planning to vote Marianne Williamson in the primary, and if she doesn’t win the nomination then green in the general. I haven’t seen/heard anything to sway my vote yet. Not a fan of Trump or Biden at all (they’re both crooks IMO). DeSantis is ehhh seems more like a shit stirrer who doesn’t actually care about anything but drama.

    •  Jarmo   ( @Jarmo@lemm.ee ) 
      41 year ago

      This may not sway your vote, but a vote for a candidate that isn’t going to win might as well be a vote for Trump. The 2020 election was decide by 43,000 votes across three states. Maybe another Trump term is okay with you, but it’s something to consider.

    • Personally, i have given up on the Democratic party. They run a bunch of crunchy lefties during the primary to draw the progressives, but they won’t let them win the nomination. Bernie got so close in 2019, I thought the DNC might try to assassinate him to make sure Biden won. Of course, in 2016, SCOTUS said they could just rig the primaries, or not even have primaries at all, and that would be legal. So, I have little trust in them to do the right thing.

      I have voted Green in the last two presidential elections and vote Working Families Party in most local elections. WFP is a social democrat/progressive party that caucuses with the democrats. Hakeem Jeffries is WFP and is also my congressman, so that’s cool. I like Howie Hawkins, and he’s a lot more trustworthy and less kooky than Jill Stein who turned out to have some possibly dubious Russian connections. At this point, most of the Green Party platform is carbon-copied from what Bernie Sanders was running on, and some other similar stuff. It’s matured a lot since the wacky party it was in the 90s.

  •  lasagna   ( @lasagna@programming.dev ) 
    1 year ago

    Biden’s problem isn’t old age, it’s dementia. Sanders is also very old but still quite healthy of mind.

    But those two alternatives are monsters, which don’t even compare to an ill man.

    voters want change

    Wasn’t that why they voted for Trump? Look where that got them. There are plenty of good politicians in the pool (e.g. Sanders and over here we had Corbyn) who would bring change. But apparently not the change they want. What change exactly is this? Not the good of the whole, evidently. I’m of the view that corrupt politicians are just the downriver. The source of the pollution is the population itself. We have to face the fact that a part of our population are either becoming fascists or already have. I don’t believe it’s a large fraction yet but all it takes is an unchecked rotten apple to rot the entire basket.