Could this be a cautionary tale for another recently turned VR-maker tech giant?

  • As much as I hate it because it’s Meta, they’re the only ones still currently pushing mainstream VR tech forwards, and I like VR. I’d love to buy a headset from any other manufacturer, but there’s no affordable alternative. I’m in a weird position here. I don’t want them to fail out of the VR market because things would stagnate hard, but I also don’t want them to succeed in their vision of it.

  • It’ll be hilarious in several years time when they’ve completely abandoned the entire VR multiverse concept, when they have to explain to people what their company name means.

    “Well you see, our king lordship decided that we must set fire to several hundred billion dollars, there was nothing else we could do with it, so we did.”

  • Well, this is too bad. I don’t like Meta but I love my Quest 2. Sounds like features for the Quest 3 have had their scope reduced to cut costs.

    I’m hopeful the Quest 3 will do well because the VR space is really cool, and there are not any real competitors at this price point.

  • XD

    “A conservative estimate for the value of the fediverse is 9001 trillion dollars”

    Someone needs to stop me, my prophecies all come true but nobody believes me!

  • It’s a neat, young tech that unfortunately still hasn’t been given a fair shot (it’s being used as a bunch of get-rich-quick schemes by most). I was hoping Meta would continue to develop it and gain some integrity karma, even at least as a very small team/project. At least a lot of progress has been made this round of vr hype. Maybe in 20-30 years, another wave will happen and it’ll actually take root. I’d like to see VR actually take hold and be as cool as the sci-fi stuff in my lifetime, or even proof of concept before I die, knowing that it’ll probably happen.