• I’m also a part of that percentage. I tried Arch Linux for gaming and all my games worked fine on it. So I backed up my stuff and wiped my drives clean.

    No trace of windows left and I do all my gaming on Arch. :)

  • I’m one of the 2%! Recently I installed Pop_OS besides Windows, and works like a charm with most games I play be it native or running through Proton. Granted, I mostly play indies with lower system requirements, I still need to boot up windows when I want to play something demanding (like Deep Rock Galactic above 60 FPS).

    • It’s a milestone and it shows quick progress. And yes, a lot of that 2% is the Steam Deck but that’s the point. The Steam Deck is putting Linux gaming in the literal hands of people who wouldn’t normally use Linux and as it gains in popularity, we can expect the Linux percentage to go even further up.

      Also 2% doesn’t sound like much but it was enough for MacOS to start getting native ports of games. We’re already seeing plenty of games now getting Linux ports or at least being tuned to work with Proton at near native compatibility and performance.

      I don’t understand your negativity here

  • Cool, I guess. I’ve been playing Diablo IV on my Mac at pretty decent performance thanks to their new portability kit. I was very close to getting a steamdeck and now I’m sure I don’t need one to have some gaming in my life apart from the time-killers in my phone.