Another reason why people across the globe will pirate instead of buying an expensive and limited subscription.

Edit: Changed to a non-paywalled article and added more to the title.

  • It most certainly feels like this was the thought process for this kinda thing:

    We aren’t making enough money from our streaming service in Australia and New Zealand because they are buying DVDs/Blu-Ray so they can watch whenever they want.

    How do we make more money, then?

    Pretend that less people are interested in physical media and disregard literally everyone else who says otherwise!

  •  Mothra   ( ) 
    91 year ago

    Honestly I’m not surprised, I haven’t seen much of a physical media culture around these parts, and Australians who do actually want to own and collect dvds, bluerays or whatever, can also afford Amazon or some other provider. Though niche, I’ve seen more interest in collecting music in vinyl records, than in collecting movies as physical media.

    All I’m saying is, if anything made piracy more popular here, it was the increase in streaming services prices and the poor variety of content forcing you to subscribe to too many platforms. I don’t mean to be a party pooper but I don’t believe this will make a big difference in either piracy or consumer satisfaction. The changes have already happened.

  •  Iohet   ( ) 
    41 year ago

    The music industry has figured it out for those of us that are willing to pay if it’s easy. Lossless, high fidelity, DRM-free digital media is very easy to get these days for almost all artists, and the price is usually pretty reasonable.

    There’s no physical production cost and infinite supply to worry about the cost of production and inventory with declining sales if the video media industry would be willing to do the same. I’m never buying digital video as it exists today, but I will if they learn the lessons of the music industry and make digital video media more convenient. I’m sure there are plenty like me that just want something convenient and consumer friendly, rather than anti-consumer

    • I recently got a record player because I have a lot of old vinyl. (yes I know it’s super toxic)

      rummaged through the clearance bin, got a few cheap new ones, and most came with a download card for lossless files. I find it difficult to praise the music industry for anything but this is a huge step in the right direction.