• Yep … I feel it’s one of those things that people should really consider to recalibrate how the feel about the issue …

        It’s an old and well known problem on which the world has been dragging its heels for ages. That the world has taken so long to do anything substantial, and danced around what needs to be done for so long will be a really bad look from the future looking back.

        Like, think Germans during the Nazi holocaust and the question of whether any of them did enough or the right thing.

        Think grand-children asking you what you did and why you didn’t do more. What excuse did you have when all the information was easy to get?

  • If you make something a matter of identity, facts don’t matter much any more - it’s about “us” versus “them”.

    If I was someone with a vested interest in sabotaging the process (of transitioning off fossil fuels), I would try to make their consumption part of someone’s identity. It seems to follow that to move ahead smoother, the matter has to be dis-associated from identity somehow. I’m not competent in psychology, so I cannot guess how.