Donald Trump announced plans to hold a press conference next week to present a “conclusive report” proving that the 2020 election in Georgia was rigged. This comes after Trump was recently indicted by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis for attempting to overturn the election results in Georgia. Trump claims the report will show election fraud and lead to “a complete exoneration” of all charges against him. However, critics argue it has been over two years since the election and Trump has not previously provided evidence of widespread fraud. The announcement also comes just hours after Trump lashed out at Willis for indicting him now rather than earlier. It remains to be seen whether Trump’s promised report will actually contain new evidence that could substantively challenge the prior investigations.
bloopernova ( ) English144•2 years agoHoly shit he actually said “the report will come out next week”. Like his healthcare solution. Or his infrastructure plan. It’s all coming out next week.
Omegamanthethird ( ) English59•2 years agoOr his “stolen election” claims leading up to Jan 6th. People forget. But the whole thing was initially advertised as a reveal of damning proof.
- Whiskey Pickle ( ) English14•2 years ago
Well, we sure did get a lot of damning proof that day… 
Terrasque ( ) 9•2 years agoThe kraken, was it?
Omegamanthethird ( ) 5•2 years agoWow, I completely forgot that they gave it a name.
AlwaysNowNeverNotMe ( ) 26•2 years agoTime is a flat circle
bloopernova ( ) English11•2 years agoAll this has happened before. All this will happen again.
FaeDrifter ( ) English3•2 years agoThe wheel weaves and the man weave wills.
akai ( ) 5•2 years agoThe ramblings of a traitor was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the Wheel of Crime. But is was a beginning.
lolcatnip ( ) English1•2 years agoSo say we all.
Landrin201 ( ) English9•2 years agoNo, earth has 4 corner simultaneous 4 day TIME CUBE
fades ( ) English17•2 years agoDon’t forget his fucking tax returns too
groucho ( ) English13•2 years ago“I totally did my report but Rudy ate it.”
floofloof ( ) English11•2 years agoAlso his plan for defeating Isis.
mnrockclimber ( ) English4•2 years agoThe whole next week/two weeks thing is such a meme. Have a video.
ptsdstillinmymind ( ) 3•2 years agoOr the release of his taxes. My bad that also never happened.
Teon ( ) 57•2 years agoAmazing how he “suddenly” has proof of the fraud that could have made him President.
He… lost it until now?
Did he finally find it while looking for more TOP SECRET documents in a box in another bathroom?
He will literally open his mouth, commit more crimes, and be in more trouble. I hope he gets himself jailed!Drinking Game: Every time he says “perfect phone call” you drink a shot.
Nougat ( ) 18•2 years agoDrinking Game: Every time he says “perfect phone call” you drink a shot.
I believe that coercing people to die from alcohol poisoning is a criminal offense.
Teon ( ) 1•2 years agoYou could always do beer shots = less alcohol poisoning. How many shots in a keg???
- Whiskey Pickle ( ) English13•2 years ago
He’s also going to show us Hunter Biden’s laptop and Hillary’s buttery males
jaschen ( ) English6•2 years agoAnd… Alcohol poisoning.
aegisgfx877 ( ) 3•2 years agoHey trump, why not give your “proof” to a court of law? Where it might actually be useful?? I mean what good is it showing your evidence to faux “news” viewers?? What are they gonna do, they cant get your out of an indictment.
el_twitto ( ) 56•2 years agoOoh! Are we going back to the Four Seasons?
sharpiemarker ( ) 17•2 years agoI could use some mulch
Overzeetop ( ) 1•2 years agoSorry, all they have is a lot of fertilizer.
pizza-bagel ( ) 45•2 years agoSo he couldn’t present the evidence in court to exonerate himself, but it magically appears after the fact for a press conference… Interesting
JillyB ( ) 7•2 years agoThe proof in court wouldn’t exonerate him. Even if the election was rigged against him, he can’t do illegal things the take it back.
pizza-bagel ( ) 2•2 years agoVery true. Ok updated sentiment
So he couldn’t present the evidence after the election and needed to break the law instead, but it magically appears after the fact for a press conference when he goes to trial
JillyB ( ) 3•2 years agoExactly. Assuming that he actually has proof (big reach), then he would have had to know it before he started doing illegal stuff in 2020. Even then, the obvious question would be why didn’t he go through the courts to fight it? Of course, he did and lost every time. This means that even if he does have proof now, he didn’t have it when he was trying to steal the election “back” or he would have presented his proof then.
I’m not expecting any real evidence to be shown in this press conference. It will be an obvious attempt to induce rage in his base to distract from the facts presented in court. ( ) 44•2 years agoIsn’t doubling down on this with the indictment in hand especially stupid? Surely opening him to further charges?
0110010001100010 ( ) 26•2 years agoAnd what, exactly, has he faced in terms of consequences for anything during his 77 years on this rock? There is pretty much zero chance he sees any jail time and he’s well aware of this. So what has he got to loose? Might as well stir up shit in prep for a Jan 6 v2 in 2025.
TipRing ( ) 13•2 years agoI don’t see how this isn’t a brazen attempt to taint the jury pool. If he has evidence exonerating him he just needs to present it in court.
dhork ( ) 2•2 years agoIt’s like every time Trump opens his mouth, he shows us his taint…
Kbin_space_program ( ) 12•2 years agoHe’s already set up his base to think the charges are fraudulent. Any additional charges will just compound their irrational beliefs.
bradinutah ( ) 9•2 years agoAbsolutely. Stupid is as stupid does. The narcissist can’t help himself, especially after drowning in his own Kool-aid. Hopefully the judge will revoke his bail and incarcerate him until trial, you know, like how any other defendant would be. Please! Prove to us that there’s no separate treatment for the rich, even an ex-president! This is what we need!
mookulator ( ) 7•2 years agoYep. It’s stupid shit like this that got him indicted in the first place.
Jordan Lund ( ) English3•2 years ago“I’d love to show you the report, it’s beautiful, and perfect, and it shows in so many ways how I’m innocent of all charges. My lawyers wept when they, true story! My lawyers were VISIBLY WEEPING as they read it. VISIBLY! But now, on the advice of those lawyers, I can’t release it to you. I CAN’T! I want to, but I can’t. They tell me it would tell these evil, nasty, prosecutors too much about our defense, so, you know, we can’t have that.”
roguetrick ( ) 5•2 years agoNot further charges but it can be referenced to furthering the conspiracy for the RICO charges. Overall that is a hard case to figure out though.
Nougat ( ) 5•2 years agoRICO charges in Georgia are far easier to prove than federal RICO charges.
roguetrick ( ) 1•2 years agoSure, but first amendment issues and generally proving something is not sincerely held seems difficult to me. The former is something appeals courts will decide while the latter is something a jury will decide.
Nougat ( ) 11•2 years ago“First Amendment issues” is a non starter and a Trump lawyer talking point. As Judge Chutkan so aptly said, “Mr. Trump, like every American, has a First Amendment right to free speech, but that right is not absolute.” There are lots of kinds of speech which are illegal all by themselves. With respect to a RICO case, when acts of speech are “overt actions in furtherance of a criminal conspiracy,” even otherwise benign speech can be illegal. Conspiring to commit a crime, and taking overt action to further that conspiracy, is a crime all by itself, even if the crime being conspired does not come to fruition.
Whether or not the conspirators’ “sincerely held belief” was that “the election was stolen” is irrelevant. If that is what you sincerely believe, there are already legal procedures to deal with that; take your case(s) to court. Which the Trump team did, with zero success. Just because you don’t like the outcome does not make doing an end run around the law and conspiring to change election outcomes in illegal ways “suddenly legal.”
- Whiskey Pickle ( ) English5•2 years ago
Someone bet him he couldn’t get to 100 indictments by Wednesday, and he said, “hold my diet Coke!”
linuxgator ( ) 3•2 years agoI don’t think he knows what next week means.
reverendsteveii ( ) 34•2 years agoDope! Let’s do it in court where if you’re right we can restore you to your rightful office and if you’re lying you’ll go to prison for the rest of your life.
AngryHumanoid ( ) 25•2 years agoI’m willing to bet money the only reason he is doing this is because the judge told him to make his defense in court, not social media.
Bizarroland ( ) 23•2 years agoHe’s had 3 years and only threatens to show his hand weeks before receiving what could be a life sentence for himself?
Ubermeisters ( ) English9•2 years agoIt’s a ploy, he wants to get censured so he can claim the evil libs won’t let him share the truth, so his base is riled up enough to act again.
Jay ( ) English23•2 years agoThe “proof” going to be one of his indictment papers with his name crossed out and Biden’s written beside it in red crayon.
Nougat ( ) 17•2 years agored crayonblack Sharpie RoverStoker ( ) English15•2 years agoHe says “A Large, Complex, Detailed but irrefutable REPORT on the Presidential Election Fraud which took place in Georgia is almost complete & will be presented by me at a major News Conference … in Bedminster, New Jersey, … along with infrastructure week and my beautiful health care plan that will completely and totally replace failed Obamacare"
Jordan Lund ( ) English5•2 years agoPlacesettings will be Obamas real birth certificate…
HousePanther ( ) English15•2 years agoI could hold a press conference about how the world is flat and not round but that will not make it so. Trump is such a fucking moron. Even his Wharton professors thought so.
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Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis indicted Donald Trump on Monday for working to overturn the 2020 presidential election in Georgia, just weeks after Special Counsel Jack Smith indicted him on federal charges for his efforts to subvert the democratic process nationwide.
It all seems pretty damning, but the wily former president has an ace up his sleeve: He’s going to simply prove the election was rigged and convince Willis and Smith to drop the charges.
“A Large, Complex, Detailed but Irrefutable REPORT on the Presidential Election Fraud which took place in Georgia is almost complete & will be presented by me at a major News Conference at 11:00 A.M. on Monday of next week in Bedminster, New Jersey,” Trump announced Tuesday morning on Truth Social.
The post came hours after Trump railed late at night against “an out of control and very corrupt” Willis.
Willis didn’t indict Trump two-and-a-half years ago because an investigation this sprawling takes a long time to actually complete.
It must take just as long to complete such a “Large, Complex, Detailed but Irrefutable REPORT,” one that must be chock-full of new information all of the other investigative bodies who worked to uncover proof of fraud were unable to obtain.
obviouspornalt ( ) 4•2 years agoNow what would be super interesting is if the Georgia Court doesn’t grant him bail on Friday. That would throw a bit of a wrench in his plans to be somewhere on Monday. Near-zero chance of that happening, but it’s the only way to keep him from intentionally trying to taint the jury pool.
Jordan Lund ( ) English3•2 years agoDeadline is Friday the 25th, so he has 4 days after his announcement until the surrender deadline.
obviouspornalt ( ) 3•2 years agoOh, thanks for the correction. I misunderstood which Friday it was. Almost two weeks to surrender seems generous.
Jordan Lund ( ) English2•2 years agoWell, it IS for 19 people… not just Trump.
fleabomber ( ) English9•2 years agoWhere’ve you been hiding that Kraken, Donnie boy?
Unaware7013 ( ) 4•2 years agoMight have left it in his depends.
kaiju ( ) 8•2 years agoJust make sure the location is appropriate. Pro tips, avoid a place with ‘landscaping’ name on it.
Introversion ( ) 7•2 years agopress conference
So, free publicity for his campaign I guess?
bradinutah ( ) 6•2 years agoIt’d be great if little to nobody showed up. Any serious reporter wouldn’t want to go. Can you imagine how much drivel is gonna spew out at that event? It’s a better venue for a comedian or comic reporter like Jordan Klepper as long as Klepper could ask pertinent questions. Remember, Orange Con Don didn’t like doing press conferences as prez and he rarely answered questions. Answering those questions is hard you know. You just gotta change the subject and ramble long enough that his supporters don’t even know what’s being talked about anymore. Anyway, he’s got snacks to eat and TV to watch. You know, stuff like OAN and Playboy.
- shiveyarbles ( ) 4•2 years ago
Oh boy I can’t wait to hear conclusive truths from possibly the biggest liar in history.