• Meisner effect caused by ferromagnetic impurities, wasn’t actually levitating, just parts of it were repelled by the magnet.
    • Extreme change in resistivity at 104.8 degrees C caused by internal copper sulfide molecules, which exhibit a phase change exactly at that temperature.
    • a team grew a single crystal version. It’s an insulator.
  • This really highlights the need for real science in science, and not just random speculation. Things can get confusing very quickly for a great many subtle reasons, and people need to be wary of that.

    • Yeah, this both highlights the issue, but also shows the scientific process works. As independent researchers were able to disprove the hypothesis the Korean team of researchers had proposed.

    • Not even a conductor at all, apparently.

      https://arxiv.org/abs/2308.06256 this group (mentioned jn the article above) synthesized a fully pure crystal, and found that has a resistance in the several megaohms at room temperature. Just a purple piece of glass, functionally speaking. The thoughts of superconductivity was due to random copper sulfate impurities which DO conduct electricity.