• They made noises about wanting to change the trans law as soon as they got elected and formed the coalition. The longer the process dragged on the less optimistic I was. And I’m now at the point where I wonder if I should change my legal gender at all. It’s not like people suddenly act like non binary people exist anyway.

    • Constantly reading about this kind of stuff is taking a toll on my mental health tbh. The worst thing is the lack of people fighting back, organising, etc., or at least the lack of reports on it ;-;

      The constant hatred with no apparent opposition is kinda fucking me up, and just ignoring it is, for me, a major part of the problem. I don’t want to shove my head in the sand nor do I really want other people to even if in the short term it might be slightly beneficial >.<, because in the long term I think it helps these things get more traction and lowers any visible opposition.

      (I live in the uk and there’s similar legislative attacks happening here)