This shouldn’t come as a huge surprise. Meta is moving forward with their plans for Theads and the Fediverse, and their adjusted terms reflect a new impending reality for Fediverse users.

  •  RxBrad   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    For all the fucks’ sakes, people.

    Yes, Meta sucks. But at least get your shit together before you all start falling over each other to say how these ToS changes mean that Zuck has now given birth to Time Travelling Baby Hitler or some shit.

    Meta says, for Threads to federate, they access the same data any instance does when it federates.

    And as far as defederating from Threads… LEMMY. That’s like saying Twitter (or W, or whatever the hell it is now), shouldn’t put Facebook posts in its timeline. Threads is a Mastodon concern. Not Lemmy.

    🤦‍♂️ Ya fuckin’ tinfoil hat nerds. I love you all. But God damn.

    • I agree that this is nothing to panic over, but I want to clarify that Lemmy is not safe from this. Lemmy and Mastodon both use the same protocol (ActivityPub) and that’s also the protocol that Threads will use to federate. Just as Mastodon users can like, boost, and reply to Lemmy threads / comments, Threads users will be able to do the same. That’s why it’s important to defederate Threads on all ActivityPub-enabled instances.

      • Technically. Yes.

        But doing so is onerous enough that I can’t see it as any sort of “threat”.

        And again… Defederating does absolutely zero to restrict Meta from being able to access your info. Defederating means you don’t see Meta. It doesn’t block Meta from seeing you.

        You don’t even need to dip your toes into ActivityPub to scrape most of the data. It’s public – aside (I think) from just user IP addresses on Mastodon. And in the case of Lemmy, I don’t think there’s anything you can’t access from outside of ActivityPub.

        • Defederating actually does stop Meta from accessing data (at least through ActivityPub) if you enable AUTHORIZED_FETCH / similar. That setting requires remote instances to authenticate themselves, which prevents blocked instances from querying anything. IIRC, Lemmy either already supports or plans to support that same feature.

          Meta could, of course, just use web scraping, but that can be prevented with DISALLOW_UNAUTHENTICATED_API_ACCESS. Although admittedly, I don’t think Lemmy has this feature yet.

          • Even DISALLLOW_UNAUTHENTICATED_API_ACCESS can be easily bypassed by creating a client that logs into (for example), and just gobbles up the Federated feed.

            It’s what the FediBuzz relays are now doing in order to keep single-user instances viable and not funnel everyone to the same 3 instances.

            Unfortunately, if Meta wants to be shitty, they’ll be shitty. Even stuff like robots.txt & nofollow tags are just polite requests that can be ignored by shitheads.

        •  RxBrad   ( ) 
          1 year ago

          Without jumping through flaming hoops, though… does the “Threads” tab really ever talk to the “Microblog” tab? (aside from your kbin account being able to interface with both)

          (I do find it funny that kbin’s “Threads” is their Lemmy/Reddit-like, and not their Mastodon/Threads/Twitter-like)

          • I don’t use it, so I’m not super clear on it. It does feel like a bit of an afterthought.

            I do know that I’ve interacted with Mastodon users in fediverse comment threads via kbin in the “regular, reddit-like” interface. My understanding is that APub is APub is APub, and the client implementations define the format you see content in, and implement or do not implement different APub features based on how the developer(s) want to shape their client.

  •  moreeni   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    If someone had any doubts about federation with Threads, they shouldn’t by now. Facebook is trying to turn Fediverse into Shittyverse and Fedizens should resist that

  • Everybody, please understand what defederating means. It will not stop the defederated instance from getting the data. It just means you don’t pull theirs.

    If you want to actually control who gets data, you’d have to switch to a service like Streams. ActivityPub cannot prevent anyone from pulling data. It only allows an instance to decide not to pull from a specific location.

        • I see it less about preventing than about sending a clear “DO NOT WANT” message.

          I’ve been around since the prevailing attitude across all common internet services was anti-corporate, anti-commercialism. You sound like maybe you have too. We lost that battle. It’d be nice to win this one, even if in a way that matters only to Fediverse users. I know at the end of the day Meta won’t care, and it won’t stop them from slurping up our data.

          I still think there is value to the DO NOT WANT message, and when Musk or MS try the same thing, I hope we send the same message to them. Let there be one tiny corner of the internet that isn’t monetized and enshittified to death. Let the users who are happy to use those companies’ platforms use those companies platforms.

          I get that this is tangential to your complaint here, and I get it. I don’t care what peoples’ reasons are though. Every instance should support the fedipact, and when Meta finally starts federating I’ll leave my comfy home 30 minutes later if it doesn’t.

          I hope each new revelation convinces more instance owners to do so, and more users to ask their instance owners to do so.

  • Looks like there’s a lot of FUD around this, so I decided to jump into the ActivityPub spec and see exactly what they can and can’t get with the spec as is.

    First off, they cannot get a users individual IP unless the instance owner publishes it in the profile data as part of a “public” activity stream. I don’t know of any instance that does this currently (feel free to correct me if I’m wrong).

    It looks like what Meta is looking to do is scrape the information in the “public” tagged activity streams:

    In addition to [ActivityStreams] collections and objects, Activities may additionally be addressed to the special “public” collection, with the identifier

    Activities addressed to this special URI shall be accessible to all users, without authentication.

    This is similar to what most instances do to show the posts of a user or community - they send a request to get “public” tagged data to publish to their end users. Within this data is all the activity information on that post - who upvoted what and who, and who commented. Again, this is the same way federation works now - your server has an activity stream of all your followed and followers that it can make available to view by tagging their activity as “public”. Many instances have this information tagged as “public” as a default.

    Now, this system works fine if you’re dealing with small actors that don’t have nefarious designs on the network, or the resources to dominate it.

    When you have a digital behemoth with grand AI designs that’s already embroiled in lawsuits where it was grabbing your medical data and regularly allows law enforcement to stroll through its records, it’s an entirely different situation. Meta has the power and capacity to not only engage in an “embrance, extend, extinguish” campaign against the Fediverse, but also to seriously threaten the privacy and well-being of Fediverse users in a way no single instance owner can.

    I think the solution here will be for individual instance owners to harden their security and if not outright de=federate from Threads, ensure that posts are private by default and that their users are made well aware in the TOS that following a Threads user will result in sharing data about their profile that could (and most likely will) be matched back to their Facebook account.

    Instances that don’t allow visibility control on posts, like Kbin and Lemmy, should look at adding an option to post only to the local server, or have the capacity to block outgoing publication based on user profile settings.

    Instances that don’t allow follow request filtering probably should look at adding it (Mastodon has it implemented - Kbin and I think Lemmy would need to catch up) - otherwise users could be unaware that they’re sending their data to when someone from that service follows them.

    I think it goes without saying that any data Meta gets will get the AI treatment - both to identify users and to sell your activity to marketers. That activity is the real goldmine for them - that’s a stream of revenue for marketing that rivals what Meta tracks on its own platform.

    As such, it may be worthwhile for instance owners to look at removing voting and boosting counts from the “public” activity feed. This would mean more fragmentation for communities whose populations span instances (vote counts would be more off than they are now), but it would prevent bad actors from easily scraping that data for behavioral analysis.

    All in all, though, I don’t believe it’s going to be a positive event when Threads does start federating. One of the nice things about the Fediverse is that the learning curve is high enough to keep the idiot count down, and I don’t really see our content or commentary here improving once Meta’s audience enters the space.

    • We don’t know what they’ll do yet as there’s nothing in the article about what they do with the data or how the protect it.

      Setting everything to private by breaks the fediverse pretty much. Imagine if everyone on Twitter was only private. It severely limits everything.

      A “public” instance is just one that publishes to other instances if I understand correctly. So they would get the IP of the server instance. Which most instances actually do.

      • The instance owner determines what’s on their “public” tagged activity feeds. If they remove the “public” tag from a post or user account, it’s restricted from non-authenticated requests from outside servers. You’re correct that this shouldn’t grab user IP addresses, but they could if an instance owner is including that information in what they mark as “public” profile feed data. I should reiterate that I know of no instance that does this, but the capability is there in theory (and I do know that certain forum software packages outside the Fediverse collect and publish this level of information, although it’s a dying practice).

        I’m not advocating instance owners turn everything private, but it’s clear they’re going to have to examine what they’re providing through their feeds to Threads if they’re serious about their users’ security and privacy. The safest bet is to defederate from Threads until it’s clear what Meta’s intentions are (aside from their rhetoric, which is always deceitful when it comes to user privacy).

        As to what Meta will do, they absolutely will scrape that activity data for marketing use, if they aren’t already. It’s what their entire business model on Facebook is built around - targeted ads based on user activity. Anything they say about protecting that data is lip service at best given their past performances and lawsuits. It also very likely that they’ll merge it with their existing data hoards, and do their best to de-anonymize accounts so that they can increase their data accuracy and thus their profit margin.

    • Pretty much wanted to say similar. Ip address isn’t known beyond your local instance (and any retention time and purposes should be stated in their privacy policy).

      The rest is standard data any federation app will collect upon seeing content from a user.

      It’s also worth noting that in general the user URL (which provides this user data) is generally also public. So if you know the user url you can get this too.

      Having said that, I do wonder how much they can monetize third party data about people that have not agreed to their privacy policy that grants such uses. It’ll be interesting to see.

  • I don’t know what you’re getting excited about here; this is all publicly available information which Facebook could scrape at any time they wanted (federated or not), even right this very second.

  • They’re literally just taking data they need to federate, like all the other instances. Eventually people around here are going to get sick of this paranoid “fuck Meta because it’s Meta” attitude because people keep posting lame misinformation like this. I know I’m getting sick of it.

  • Stupid question, couldn’t instances just say they don’t allow scraping specifically from Facebook in their ToS and then report them for GDPR violations if they do?

    As in say that have the ToS says that “we’ll give your data to other instances because that’s how the Fediverse works, we won’t give your data to Facebook” and also “Facebook is not allowed to federate, and is not allowed to pull data”.

    Then just say that your data subjects don’t consent to any data pulling by Facebook, and Facebook scraping your system even through ActivityPub is a violation of GDPR.

  •  YⓄ乙   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    All instances should start blocking them. Admins should be on high alert but something tells me they won’t block meta.

    Guys, everyone move to small instances so that all the power doesnt go to one instance. I joined just for this reason.

    • This wouldn’t matter. Defederating means you don’t pull their data, not the other way around.

      The article is just describing how ActivityPub works. What would be more important is how they claim to use that data. But that they collect that data is inherent to how the protocol works. They’d have to mention they collect it legally.

  • Do they get my IP if I reply to somebody or a post on Threads?

    I was under the impression that I submit to my instance and then that passes the message along.

    I had a quick look at the posts and comments bits of the schema and it doesn’t appear to list an IP address field, unless I’m blind. Which is always possible.

    •  poVoq   ( ) 
      1 year ago

      Normally not, but depending on how your Fediverse instance handles images they might get it that way. For example on Lemmy (since there is only limited image caching) they would probably get your IP, because your browser would load images from the threadsnet server.

        •  poVoq   ( ) 
          1 year ago

          Not directly no, but Meta has perfected the art of creating indirect profiles, so I would assume they can figure it out if they want. For example correlating the IP from image downloads to comments from profiles should relatively quickly tell them which Lemmy profile belongs to which IP.

  • There seems to be a general consesnus that feddiverse users don’t want anything to do with meta and that instances will defederate with threads. I’m curious if the majority will follow this trend to avoid yet another EEE, or if there will be some exceptions. I bet meta will be open to pay good money to instance admins for “colaboration” if the instance is big enough.

  • Can someone please explain why this matters. Almost all madtadon instances are public and can be data mined by any company. Why is it such a large concern if threads is able to see a portion of the posts on the fediverse like any other mastadon instance. To me the only thing threads federation changes is allowing me to view posts on threads without the amount of MS my cursor is over the podt being data mined to know what food Ill be craving in a week.