CarbonIceDragon ( ) English29•2 years agoI feel like at that distance, getting in the car, starting it up, parking and getting out again probably literally takes more time than just walking
guero ( ) English28•2 years agoon the other hand, that road looks like a nightmare for pedestrian crossing…
autumn (she/they) ( ) English18•2 years agothis was my thought as well. looks like speeds of 45mph+, and possibly four lanes of traffic. i’ve been hit at that speed (in a crosswalk, no less) and suffered a fractured pelvis. fuck cars, indeed.
StringTheory ( ) English14•2 years ago“Hey, George! I’m at the Starbucks on your corner. Y’know what would be funny? You drive your van over here and park right in front. I’ll video you the whole way. It will look totally spontaneous and it will be an awesome Tik Tok. Wait, wait, let me stand in the window so I get a good shot. Ok, I’m focused on you, start the van!”
loops ( ) English11•2 years agoI’m just going to assume they’re picking up a dishwasher or something, or they’re actually handicapped in some way (not all handicaps are visible).
…I know they’re probably just getting a coffee, but I don’t want to think of that.
1bitwonder ( ) English12•2 years agotheyre more than likely just american
sin_free_for_00_days ( ) English10•2 years agoI’ve had a bad hip since getting hit with a degenerative disease when I was a child. My insurance won’t give me a hip replacement until I’m older (I’m in my 50s). This bad hip has fucked with my back to the point that most of the past 20 years has been a hell of chronic pain. On bad days I could see doing what the van people did. But on a decent day, I’d force myself to walk that.
val ( ) English9•2 years agojust watched Mindhunt (Unabomber story) and they discuss this idea: cars appeared with the promise of freedom (freedom to go wherever you want), but they ended up reshaping the cities in a way that you actually become less free, as you can’t go anywhere or do anything within walking distance (you’re obliged to use a car).
i’m currently reading the books this guy wrote while incarcerated (he wrote some while being 72+ years old, and had two decades to develop his thoughts on society and technology), and a lot of it resonates with our current realisation (in the context of climate change) that everything we’ve done over the past decades was completely wrong.
Faresh ( ) English7•2 years agoImagine WALL-E, but instead of floating seats, they have cars.
Celediel ( ) English5•2 years agoHave you seen America? Americans have long since lost the desire to walk because walking in a car’s world sucks.
Kettlepants ( ) English4•2 years agoMaybe they have agoraphobia.