[Including “one of the single biggest mistakes” Unity could make] | GameFromScratch.com #Unity3D #GameDev

  • It surprised me to see that the prices go down as there are more installs, it seems a progressive rate makes more sense. But I suppose once your revenue stream is large enough you can just decide to use an inhouse solution and they must balance against that.

    What really creeps me out is that this thing has to phone home. Why not just change the revenue sharing calculation based on self reporting?

    Most of all this just makes me consider switching over to Godot. I’ve used it in 2018 and it was impressive back then already. I waste considerable time working around unity’s black box every year. I’ve also made many improvements that I’d prefer to make a pull request for rather than make a separate asset package.

  • The good news is that hopefully less developers will use that engine for future games. Not sure if it’s unique for pathfinder, but the performance is abysmal considering the graphical fidelity it offers.