Major supermarkets in the UK are joining forces with the police in a radical data sharing tie-up known as Project Pegasus that supporters hope will cut down on retail crime. However, opponents say it marks a civil liberties intrusion.

  • Not a single word about the question why there are some places where 4 out of 5 customers need to turn to shoplifting instead of buying. I am absolutely sure the cameras will help to solve the underlying problems here. /s

    • The amount of CCTV in the UK even 15 years ago was uncanny and creepy AF

      Everywhere I went, there were camera’s EVERYWHERE.

      That ship has sailed a long time ago… UK citizens are used to having camera’s on them at all times already.

    • Most people I’ve asked about this in the UK just say they have nothing to hide so what’s the issue. They’re so used to liberties being taken away they just don’t care. The next election will still be closer than it has any right to be.

    •  Risk   ( ) 
      41 year ago

      Of course it is, it’s the Torygraph. The language is deliberately chosen to provide the reader with an underhanded bias, not to question why the past 13 years of UK government has created the situation.

  •  barsoap   ( ) 
    71 year ago

    I have a radical idea to prevent shoplifting, wait, hear me out: Make sure that people have enough money to afford food.

    …also, don’t exit the EU without a plan in place on how to actually feed the country. I know I know that might involve setting some land aside for things other than manicured lawn, as well as making sure you have a workforce to actually grow shit (for which being in the EU would be a great option) but what must that must: You’ll have to re-train all those lawn manicurists.