This post assumes you are as obsessed about tea as I am. If you are not, you have my permission to just wonder, “What’s up with this guy?” :D

I find it handy to have a list of the teas that I’ve tried and my detailed thoughts on them, as I can’t remember everything since I’ve tried so many teas at this point. Keeping a list has helped me avoid re-sampling the same tea accidentally and to learn what styles and regions of tea I enjoy.

I use (shown in the screenshot). I started out using Google Sheets, but I was feeling limited. I wanted to dynamically sort, filter, and search my spreadsheet - as if it were a UI form. I also wanted to add tags to describe my teas, again for quick filtering and such. seems to be everything I need.

    • I’ve ended up on steepster a few times, looking for reviews of teas by others. I suppose that’s something lacking from my method - sharing my review with others.

      Do you recommend using steepster? I don’t imagine it will replace my complex spreadsheet, but I suppose I could copy my review to steepster.

  • Excel, with worksheets for: 1. purchase log with tasting/brew notes 2. Current tea inventory 3. Current cake inventory I actually wrote my own .Net app, but never use it, because it takes more effort to keep evolving it than just using Excel, but it basically opened each line from the Excel sheet and showed all the information in a more organized view with pictures which was really cool, but I make notes most days so Excel is just easier given the volume of data.