• In case you’re in a hurry here’s the jist for the linked article

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    The Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF) tentatively agreed to send unresolved contract issues to binding arbitration instead of planning a strike. This proposal is controversial, with many union members and labour experts opposed. While the OSSTF president defended the plan, arbitration risks undermining union democracy and cedes leverage to the government. It also signals to employers that they don’t need to bargain in good faith. Relying on arbitration precedents from other unions doesn’t build independent power. Additionally, using arbitration repeatedly could weaken unions in future negotiations. Striking remains important for workers to democratically control contracts and build collective strength. While arbitration can benefit unions in some cases, it is not a substitute for exercising the right to strike when needed.

    OSSTF members are voting on whether to accept this arbitration proposal.

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