The Biden administration embraces dictators and barely pretends to care whether US-allied regimes respect basic freedoms.

  • Here’s the best summary I could make of the linked article

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    The article criticizes Biden’s foreign policy approach as prioritizing geopolitical interests over human rights. It notes Biden has strengthened ties with repressive regimes in Bahrain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and India while ignoring calls from activists to pressure them over political prisoners and crackdowns on dissent. Though the administration expresses concern over human rights issues, it takes no meaningful actions against allies and refuses to condition support on reform. The piece argues this emboldens authoritarian leaders and that Biden’s rhetoric does not match his indifference to the lives and freedoms of people in other nations when strategic calculations are at stake.

    It highlights the administration granting immunity to MBS over Khashoggi’s murder as an extreme example of rights being sacrificed for political expediency.

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