• In case you’re in a hurry here’s the jist for the linked article

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    Jeremy Corbyn believes trade unions are starting to turn the tide against decades of decline, as evidenced by recent strike waves in the UK and successful organizing at Amazon. He credits austerity measures since 2008 with fueling discontent over stagnant wages and loss of economic security. While recent union campaigns have achieved inflation-level pay increases rather than major victories, defeating employer efforts to reclassify workers was an important win. Corbyn also notes growing union membership outside traditional sectors and supports new forms of worker representation. He argues unions must use their influence to pressure companies into more sustainable practices. The Peace and Justice Project Corbyn founded campaigns on issues like union rights, public ownership of essential services, and international labor solidarity.

    Corbyn calls for negotiations to end the Ukraine conflict and sees pacifism requiring support for ceasefires and talks over further military escalation.

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