• If on the ballot she would win, too.

      One of the biggest barriers to a functioning democracy is inertia (name recognition), which is why we need term limits so badly. Ask any democrat, for example, and they’ll tell you they want younger, more diverse candidates. But when asked to check a box in the spring of 2020 for president, the majority (plurality?) bypassed the female candidates, candidates of color, and the non-CIS candidate(s) to choose an old white man as their champion - and not even the liberal old white man at that. We need these old-ass MFers out of the way, for our own damned good.

      •  Izzgo   ( @Izzgo@kbin.social ) 
        109 months ago

        Rather than term limits on elected office, I’d like to see term/time limits on how long a senator or representative can sit on the same committees. If legislators were being termed out of the powerful committees, I think the parties would not try so hard to keep people in office past their functioning years.

    • yeah I sorta feel bad as Im almost happy just because that seat needs to be vacated. I wish she had just retired so that I could be sadder and have more of a feeling of how great this representative had been. But she made a situation where its like a relief that she died.

    • No, she shouldn’t have. Wanna know why there was such an online campaign push for her retirement?

      Because she was the tie-breaking vote in the Senate judiciary committee, and Mitch McConnell blocked her replacement.

      If she had retired, all of Joe Biden’s executive or judicial nominations, would’ve been dead in the water.

      You should be glad she kept going to confirm as many of his picks as long as she could, because now problems are on the way.

  • 🤖 I’m a bot that provides automatic summaries for articles:

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    Senator Dianne Feinstein, the trailblazing Democratic power broker who served in the Senate for 30 years, died on Thursday night, according to a family member.

    In recent years, Ms. Feinstein, 90, had suffered from frail health and memory issues that made it difficult for her to function alone and prompted calls for her to step down, which she consistently rejected.

    Her staff was being informed at 9 a.m.

    A spokesman for Ms. Feinstein’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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