Image description: a two panel meme with a bearded man speaking.

Panel 1: “You wanna know what I do when I see people stealing food or baby formula?”

Panel 2: “Fucking nothing because I’m not a fucking asshole.”

    • Whenever I rob a grocery store, I usually do not have time to complain about billionaires. Those things are implicitly understood by the folks around me who are blessed with average and above intelligence.

      I complain about billionaires afterwards on the Internet.

      Based on my statistical analysis, the take-home share of myself and my fellow robbers are too small to influence the investment decisions of large grocery chains. So no, I do not fault any of us for the predicament we are in.

    •  Ctri   ( ) 
      31 year ago

      doesn’t work for some mothers, through no fault of their own. not to disagree with the sentiment, just to remind that it’s not an option for everyone :)

    • Yes, except for the time when

      • the mother have to continue to work to survive so she does not have time to breastfeed
      • the workplace does not allow the mother to pump while at work
      • the mother is too stressed or can’t feed herself properly which leads to her milk supply drying out
      • the nurse at the maternity just start giving a bottle to the crying baby rather than taking the time with the mother to initiate the milk production. Which leads to the milk supply to never really start properly

      Breastfeeding is possible if and only if the mother is well taken care of, by her family and by the society.

      The main benefit of formula is that now the society can continue to exploit women even directly after birth and the baby will still survive.

      Someone stealing formula is not someone who is too lazy to breastfeed, someone stealing formula is someone who has to struggle to survive rather than spending time bonding with her child.