Choice quote:

Elliot McDavid, another convoy organizer who made headlines harassing Chrystia Freeland last year, believes the Government of Alberta is colluding with insurance companies to produce child pornography and has claimed children are being “hunted down like animals” and “thrown in a rail car” by “degenerates on horseback.”

  •  pbjamm   ( ) 
    239 months ago

    To paraphrase a wise counter-protester in my town a couple of weeks ago :

    “No one is trying to turn your kids gay or trans, we just want your gay and trans kids to feel safe and comfortable being who they are.”

    •  pbjamm   ( ) 
      209 months ago

      After reading this :

      Elliot McDavid, another convoy organizer who made headlines harassing Chrystia Freeland last year, believes the Government of Alberta is colluding with insurance companies to produce child pornography and has claimed children are being “hunted down like animals” and “thrown in a rail car” by “degenerates on horseback.”

      It seems to be a march for better mental health services in rural Canada.

      • I know we talk about the lack of mental health care being a huge factor in things like this, gun violence, etc, but what does that even look like? Are these people actively trying to find help and there’s a lack of resources?

        If we had more resources, do you think people like this would even try to use them?

        Honestly it just seems like a bunch of gullible people easily manipulated by what they read online, and I don’t know if medical health services will help them one bit. The other thing that get’s tossed around is lack of education, but as someone who technically didn’t finish high school and only spent a year in college, I feel like I have a much firmer grasp on reality than these clowns that make the news time and time again.

        • You’re onto something. There is a video tracing the origins of the freedom convoy back to a fellow who believed he was on a holy mission… can’t find the link, but mental health services or just finding an outlet for frustration through dialogue is a start.

    •  nyan   ( ) 
      169 months ago

      Their hallucinations, as far as I can tell. It isn’t even worth trying to understand. Whoever started this round is probably laughing their ass off at how gullible these people are.