• Soral was convicted repeatedly in France and sentenced to jail time in 2019 for denying the Holocaust, which is a crime in France.

    Yeah, it’s safe to say this is a consistent pattern of behavior for this guy.

          •  xor   ( @xor@lemmy.blahaj.zone ) 
            101 year ago

            Given that he’s verbally abusing her on live TV for her sexuality, along with further comments yeah. Discrimination against someone for their sexual orientation is illegal in Switzerland, as it should be, and penalties are almost always more severe for doing so in a highly public setting.

            • You have a problem with Holocaust deniers. But are A-Ok with actual nazis? Not a peep against the Nazis in Canada. No word of support to reopening the whitewashed Deschenes Commission report. Then you come here to smear anyone who holds a different opinion. Just like Trudeau, his minions call everyone they disagree with, nazis. But love and celebrate actual nazis.

              • Nah g holocaust deniers, nazis, tankies, homophobes, and all authoritarian capitalists can get fucked. The way that countries like Canada, the USSR, the UK, and the USA protected “useful” Nazis after WW2 is disgraceful, but that doesn’t really have anything to do with modern Switzerland shutting down homophobic neo-nazis.

      •  xor   ( @xor@lemmy.blahaj.zone ) 
        1 year ago

        If the speech is illegal and it’s a different instance, yes.

        That’s how crimes work…

        You don’t get to rob banks whenever you like if you’ve already been jailed for it once.

        In fact, the sentences get more severe for repeat offences, which is exactly what’s happened here.

  •  Doctor xNo   ( @doctorn@r.nf ) 
    161 year ago

    I totally don’t agree with his views or condone the insult, but this is surely another hit to free speech,…

    I miss the days people could just disagree without completely tearing eachother’s lives down for it…

    • We can’t disagree on basic human rights. You say an entire group of people are shit because of what they are born into, you can eat my shit and hair.

      And yes, I’m “tearing each other’s lives down” for it like yours because people are getting raped, jailed, and shot over it. We can disagree on taxes, the place to eat for dinner, what the play that’s going to happen in town, we can’t agree on “some people are more equal than others because I wasn’t born like that.”

      Plus the guy denies the Holocaust. You’re going to bat for “it didnt happen but i wish it did”?

      • You say an entire group of people are shit because of what they are born into, you can eat my shit and hair.

        What did he say? I can’t find anything like that in the article.

      •  Doctor xNo   ( @doctorn@r.nf ) 
        1 year ago

        I’m not batting for anyone… Just saying people these days are getting too worked up about things (that (sadly) have always existed and can’t be changed) these days. 🤷‍♂️

        Also, if you want to tear my life down for things I didn’t say cause of my “I agree, but…”-opinion, then we’re getting to the actual problem with this mindset of today: Constant attacking anyone that even thinks slightly differently and treating hem as if they are part of the bad things. 😅

        I agree there shouldn’t be hunger in the world and I agree the 1% have too much money and I can’t agree more to the fact famous/any people should treat children like children and not like ‘toys’, but I just don’t think fighting among ourselves on social media is ever going to solve any of that… Meanwhile we’re creating a world where innocent people get permanently fired from positions they worked to get for being wrongfully sued or accused,… Also, it’s degrading to general care as many people will start ignoring any infornation repeated too often and not even read it anymore when it’s actually proven news either…

        I want justice too, but that can never be achieved if you drop the “innocent until proven guilty” part that many justify away today in name of self-righteously wanting to save humanity from itself, and definitely not from an internet social trinket… 😅

        One thing I did learn from all the years of internet is that you can’t change people’s minds on the internet, so (listening to myself) I’m not expecting you to change yours, but wanted to add my 2 cents anyway. 😜

        Anyway, no hard feeling and have a nice day! 😉

    • Discrimination based on sexual orientation is, rightly, illegal in Switzerland

      Saying someone is a lesbian is fine, using it as an insult to degrade them publicly on TV is not