• As usual the mainstream journalists don’t understand what the paper is about and produce hysterical headlines.

    If you read the paper it does in no way say the earth is going to be uninhabitable. It does say that they have modelled which bits of the earth will become less habitable and they are areas of high population density, and also that the risk is reduced sognificant of climate change is limited to 2 degrees. That’s starkly different from the headline.

    That is also without any critical appraisal of the paper. My first thoughts are how accurate is transfering static lab based measures of habitability to dynamic open environments?

    This research is mildly interesting but like most research frankly it is of limited scope and utility, and unfortunately a great deal of research is actually unreproducible dross.

    On top of that a lot of journalism is unthinking dross. This makes a good headline to feed the beast that is the internet but it does not reflect the reality of the climate crisis.

  • Because news is sales, and this doesn’t sell. In fact, it will likely hurt sales. And almost everyone can’t do anything meaninful about it on an individual, immediate level. So it’s hard to think about and hard to act on.

    Bad for business, hard to digest = out of scope for corporate or government media.

    • Well, there is a really simple, meaningful thing we could do:
      We could all go vegan.
      If we stop paying for these products we’d solve 25% of the climate catastrophe tomorrow. But you don’t want to. The rich, smart, educated people in the west won’t even give up cheese to save their childrem from collaps.

            • No no, no plan, they suggested a hypothetical situation which, if it magically became true, would have an impact. As a result, they are absolved of any further effort, justification, or planning. This is the sum total of their contribution to solving global climate change. Think of them as an “ideas person,” or a “visionary leader” who “manages by walking around.”

              After receiving this totally sufficient direction from an obviously exceptional thinker, it is entirely up to you to figure out how to make it work. If you don’t, then you are not being a team player. Further criticism, or even just asking clarifying questions, is evidence YOU are the problem and are not taking constructive, solution-focused steps, and your bad attitude will be noted in your next performance review cycle along with being assigned full responsibility for letting the climate go to shit.

              • You sound so cynical. I didn’t suggest to i.e. stop driving cars by tomorrow, because that would (as you stated) not be possible in the real word. Stop eating animal products is very different, because you choose to do so every single day and you CAN stop it tomorrow. It’s a super simple action we could take. But most people don’t do it because most people don’t do it.
                I obviously already broke that habit and I invite you give it a try.