okay Google, how about this. I already pay for premium, but Im too lazy to disable my adblocker for just your site, can we just call it a draw and move on?

  •  Yote.zip   ( @yote_zip@pawb.social ) 
    2 years ago

    I’m certainly not paying for youtube premium (and making a google account in the process). I’ll probably just stop watching youtube if uBO can’t get around it.

    (Peertube speedrun?)

      • You may have inadvertently stumbled into this thread on kbin.social’s all federated content feed or similar, but this thread is on the pawb.social instance. You can’t exactly march into the furry den and then complain that the place is chock-full of furries.

      • I don’t want to be a jerk, but maybe don’t look at content from PAWb.social if you’re going to be a dick to its members simply for existing in their space. If it’s truly an issue, KBin allows you to block the group (but I don’t think it easily allows blocking the whole instance).

        The Fediverse is awesome since it allows us all to seamlessly communicate with each other, but keep in mind we are all individual groupings of communities and looking at where the content comes from needs to become second nature. If too many people from KBin are jerks to these folks, they’ll just disconnect from us and call it a day since all the good conversations in the world don’t really matter if they’re being treated like dirt.

        With that said, even if they were talking in a KBin instance though … seriously, it would have cost you nothing to ignore and move on (or block and move on if it really rustled your jimmies). Hell, even downvote and move on! This isn’t a matter of someone being a shit-stain on humanity, it was just them using the word ‘paws’ to refer to a few appendages, what’s the big deal? They’re not asking you to do the same.

  • I seriously don’t understand why they’re so aggressive about this.

    I would consider maybe turning off my adblocker if they ran single ads and didn’t make them so long, and actually did some curation on their ads so I didn’t see a fake MrBeast scam ad or political ad every time. Yet they don’t, so I will continue to find ways to block ads until I no longer can.

      • I think – and I don’t claim familiarity with the details of each company’s situation – that this may have something of a common cause.

        As long as investment dollars are readily available and growth possible, it makes sense to stay in “growth” phase, burn investment dollars, lose money, grow userbase.

        Once they are not, then it becomes more important to switch to monetizing the userbase that has been built up.

        My understanding is that the post-COVID-19 environment – with higher interest rates, tighter capital – is less-amenable to obtaining investments for growth. And all tech companies will be affected by that, will tend to shift away from “burn easily-available now capital to try to increase revenue later” more into generating revenue.

  • Maybe just stop watching youtube? I don’t even watch an hour of youtube tutorials a month. Go ahead and kick me off, I’ll just stop visiting the site. Just like I’m doing with reddit (which I’ve even blocked at the router level to avoid it)

    •  Yote.zip   ( @yote_zip@pawb.social ) 
      2 years ago

      I was surprised at how little I actually cared about the reddit communities I was subscribed to. I switched to Lemmy on 6/12 and just never thought about reddit again. I use a couple RSS feeds to get the same news now (which is a better idea anyway), and Lemmy has enough people in the topics I’m actually interested in so I don’t feel like I’m missing any important discussion.

      I suspect it will be the same story with Youtube for me. I really don’t need to be watching Youtube 95% of the time. I tune in to videos because it’s convenient. If Google is going to make it inconvenient, the value proposition changes and I’d rather do something else to fill my time. I wonder if there will be backlash from creators now that many users are inherently disincentivized from visiting Youtube…

  • Youtube, I know you aren’t going to read this, but could you PLEASE make it clearer in your marketing that about half the premium sub goes to the creators?

    I’m not giving you £12 a month, but giving you £6 a month and giving £6 a month to creators is something I can get behind. Like, you don’t need to be so antagonistic here, you can just lean into the “support creators!” aspect much, much more.