• I honestly can’t recommend anyone to try psilocybin (in a safe and comfortable setting, with someone you know and trust who has experience with it) enough.

    As well as being just an incredibly fun experience, it’s incredibly potent as an agent for processing trauma or working on self-improvement. It also seems to be pretty powerful as an anti-addiction drug. I went from smoking about 15 a day to quitting overnight after a trip which I went into focussing on wanting to quit smoking, partly this was due to the processing I did while tripping but also I didn’t really feel the normal withdrawal symptoms or cravings for a couple of days after which really helped.

    I’m glad the prohibition on research/medicinal use of shrooms seems to be rolling back globally. There are some real risks involved in taking them recreationally and it’s great to have such a useful tool available to people who don’t want to get involved in that kind of thing!