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The visit came as many conservatives have called for cutting ties to Ukraine, which has received hundreds of billions of dollars from the Biden administration in aid and weapons. They argue the money would be better spent in the U.S., that the real fight for freedom is against progressivism at home, and that the struggle with Russia is a distraction from the more important one with China.

Trump, to whom Pence remained loyal until their falling out during the Jan. 6 insurrection, has praised Russian President Vladimir Putin, said he would end the war in Ukraine as quickly as possible — which would almost certainly require Ukraine to make major concessions — and refused to say whether he wanted Ukraine or Russia to win, even when repeatedly pressed on the question during a CNN town hall last month.

  • conservatives have called for cutting ties to Ukraine, which has received hundreds of billions of dollars from the Biden administration in aid and weapons. They argue the money would be better spent in the U.S.

    A duplicitous, bullshit argument — they have no desire to provide basic, social services.

    • A lot of the stuff that was sent to ukraine was going to be replaced by fancier stuff anyway so the money lost is mainly military surplus that would have been sent to local police stations to use in case another black man gets murdered in broad daylight again. I assume that is what they mean by “better spent in the us”