In this blog, I’ll outline why learning and mastering Spring Boot in 2023 is a worthwhile endeavor, even though there may be a few differing opinions. I’ll also explore how Spring Boot compares to other backend technologies and alternative Java frameworks.

  •  eksb   ( ) 
    1911 months ago

    While you are mastering Spring, I am mastering libraries that do the thing my program needs to do.

    While you are trying to debug to your Spring app, which is a huge PITA because Spring is a rat’s nest of conflicting configuration paradigms and overlays and fills your call stack with dozens of layers of generated methods, I have finished my work and am at the beach helping my coworker debug his Spring app because he didn’t listen to me when I said not to use Spring.

      •  eksb   ( ) 
        111 months ago

        Nothing? I just use the language features and I use libraries for specific things.

        I do not use an automagic configuration and dependency injection boondoggle. I read config in main(), create the objects I need, and do what I need. It is easy to see what my program does; it is easy to see where configuration comes from. It is easy to test any component, because you can clearly see what you need to provide to build the entry point objects.

  • Based on the fact that almost[*] every single Java shop I’ve been in used Spring, I’d say yes.

    [*]: aside from one which used bare tomcat with a bespoke, thousands line long, bug ridden router for a core service. i guess they didn’t know about spring because every java service since then uses it.

  • It’s worth learning it just to understand how large complex DI frameworks work in general, allowing you to understand way more, like Quarkus, Micronaut, etc. even extending outside of Java/Kotlin.

  • It’s only worth it if you’re planning to work in Java or one of the other JVM languages.

    If that’s what you are striving for, is worth it to spend the effort ahead of time. If your goal is more agnostic to tech stack, learning Spring Boot won’t be worth it until you land a role that uses it.

    It might be worth dipping your toes in the water anyways. But frameworks like that shouldn’t be bothered with without inherent interest or need.

    Personally, I’ve no interest in working in Java, Scala, or Kotlin so I’ll skip it.