• The game we should have had at launch?

    Sorry, but improving the performance of an ancient engine that shouldn’t have been used for the last decade is not what I call “the game we should have” when there’s so much more about the game that sucks other than the performance.

    It’s like Bethesda laser focused on us bitching about the bugs for 20 years, finally tried to iron them out, but then forgot to make the game world alive so it would be less buggy.

    • The engine is about 12 years old, and the engine it’s based on is about the same age as Unreal Engine, which the current version of is generally considered a powerful and capable modern engine. That complaint is tired and nonsensical with even the slightest bit of critical thinking.

      • Creation sucked then and it sucks now.

        Unreal is a different story, it was good then and it’s good now.

        This complaint is valid as every single Bethesda launch in the last 20 years has had the same fucking bugs in it because of the same fucking engine.

        • @canis_majoris @laurelraven I’m not sure that is really true. For one thing, I haven’t been killed by clutter in Starfield. I definitely remember multiple deaths by clutter in Skyrim (physics silliness). I also haven’t used fast travel and zoned in somewhere up in the sky (although that would be much less lethal in Starfield).

          I may just be lucky, however. I haven’t encountered most of the Starfield bugs I have seen complaints about.