How far did you proceed and what language did you use?

I think the challenges a great way to learn a new programming language. Though I have to admit I never finished the set myself.

  • (It’s OK guys! This isn’t about cryptocurrency, it’s about cryptography!)

    Cryptography is FUN. The kind of fun that gives you headaches and keeps you up at night. (No /s, I mean it.)

    I wasn’t aware of this site at all. I’ll keep it bookmarked since I enjoyed cryptography in university way more than I had expected to.

    •  kat   ( ) OP
      1 year ago

      Thanks for the clarification! I’d like to add that this site long predates the whole crypto currency craze. I can see how nowadays the name “cryptopals” does not evoke the best associations.

      I’m my opinion, the “basics” set is relatively tame. After that, the headaches might begin, especially if one wants to understand all the math behind it.