• The Socialist and Environment parties have to come together a little more. People appear to be tired of milquetoast moderates, right-wing movements under the cover of populism and spouting anti-immigrant rhetoric are taking advantage of this swing. Leftists should as well.

  • It is frustrating as EU is going through all of these right after I have some plan to move to europe. But I cannot say it is unexpected. After the semi-reasonable presidentship of Obama, the U.S. faced a surge of alt right nunatics that we see now.

    I guess that is just how politics go?

    • My first trip to Europe I experienced shock at the cultural aparthied I witnessed in big cities. It felt worse than what I’d seen in Anglo multicultural countries (US/UK/AU/NZ) which is not to say it doesn’t happen there but I could taste the racial tension in the air in EU

    •  0x7E7   ( @0x7E7@beehaw.org ) 
      21 year ago

      I’m about to move to the Netherlands next month, I feel you.

      It’s good to remember that no matter where you go, idiots and shitheads are pervasive and will always be a portion of any populace.