As we reach the second half of 2023, what are some of the supposed releases, or news you’re looking forward to?

  • A foldable for mobile Linux would be amazing, I love my PinePhone Pro with keyboard case, but you could use a foldable as a mini laptop with a touch keyboard on the bottom half (maybe not the best experience though). Having a bigger screen for doing productivity stuff especially with an external keyboard would be amazing, but I don’t want Android anymore.

    • Regarding the keyboard on the bottom, I can imagine some physical keypad accessory for the bottom half, like what Lenovo is doing with their foldable tablet/laptop thingy, just on a smaller scale.

      • That’s basically what the PinePhone keyboard accessory is. The phone clips into the top half and the bottom half is a physical keyboard. It is essentially a pocket sized laptop. I’m typing on it now and I can actually type much faster on this than any normal touch phone keyboard since you can properly touch type on it.

        •  WhoRoger   ( ) 
          1 year ago

          That looks sweet. Like a Psion 5.

          Not what I’d personally have much use for (kinda like using phone in vertical an in-hand), but yea, leave it to small indie companies to come up with important things.

          Ed: but I was referring to this where the keyboard can be attached right to the bottom screen.