• Two key points that most people seem to be missing.

    First, it’s a pro. This implies, based on naming schemes of other devices, there will be a cheaper model or maybe multiple in the future.

    Second, this is absolutely an enterprise device. This device can help with productivity in work environments and such and is being marketed mainly towards businesses for employee use. If a business uses apple products and is interested in VR this is the product they will buy because they know it will be easy to set up and integrate seamlessly. Ya, it’s got some games and entertainment, but so do MacBooks and iPads which are also very successful for business use. But the primary market will be businesses buying this for employees that do a lot of travel where they can’t always have a laptop or, as AR improves, specialized fields where the AR can help/assist the user. That last one is interesting cause everyone has been saying it can be done but technology needs to catch up. Well with this it’s caught up. Just waiting on developers.