I’m looking to finally use Linux properly and I’m planning to dual boot my laptop. There’s enough storage to go around, and while I’m comfortable messing around I’d rather not have to run and buy a new device before school while fixing my current one.


This was the general guide I was planning to follow, just with KDE Plasma (or another KDE). I was going to keep windows the default, and boot into Linux as needed when I had time to learn and practice.

I assume it should be the near similar process for KDE Plasma?

I’m ok with things going wrong with the Linux install, but I’d like to keep the Windows install as safe as possible.

    •  Otter   ( @otter@lemmy.ca ) OP
      10 months ago

      kde plasma is a de not a distro

      Whoops, I think what I meant was Kubuntu. I’ve been watching videos on what each thing is like and after many “GNOME vs. KDE Plasma”, that’s all I remember

      edit: either that or Manjaro. Was going to try one while keeping the other in mind for when I eventually decide to start all over again

      • Please avoid Manjaro. I’ve had my Manjaro install break more than any other distro. If you want something arch based, you’re better off installing Arch from scratch, using the arch install script, or using EndeavorOS. All three of these options use the normal arch repositories which are far more stable than the Manjaro ones, and also offer much better compatibility with the AUR