It’s discouraging to see some of my fellow conservatives attacking rising GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy for his Hindu faith. It is wrong and un-American. It violates the spirit, if not the law, of the Constitution. And it could backfire on Christians as our share of the US population dwindles.

It is also entirely counterproductive for those who claim to support traditional values and religious liberty. Ramaswamy is steadily climbing in Republican primary voter support, closing in on Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in some polls and neck and neck with him in the betting markets. He is also one of the candidates best positioned to further major conservative Christian agenda items.

  • This article is so exceedingly hypocritical that I hardly know where to begin. I’ll just limit myself to the first sentence (well, first two sentences).

    It’s discouraging to see some of my fellow conservatives attacking rising GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy for his Hindu faith. It is wrong and un-American.

    Far too many conservatives have no respect for religious beliefs that differ from their own, to the point where bigotry is expected. Even still, none of them even considered it an issue worth addressing… until it started creating problems for another conservative. This is perfectly in line with the typical conservative individual’s response to a problem, which is to not give a damn unless it affects them directly.

    As far as I’m concerned, any group that continues to support Trump after the insurrection deserves NO say in what’s “wrong and un-American” and what isn’t. They aren’t concerned with right and wrong. They just want THEIR WAY.

    As it turns out, though, this isn’t even worth dwelling on. The man will be a victim of prejudice. I can’t imagine him carrying even one state. America may get a Hindu president one day, but it won’t be him.