(Apologies for yet another Trump post.)

But given his court appearance Thursday, just funny how he’d start joking about this. I wonder if he actually would, and what would follow. I mean, how would he try to spin it?

    • There’s a long tradition in diplomatic history of monarchs letting deposed monarchs from hostile countries live in their state in luxury. At worst it’s a lingering thumb in the eye of the country that has to continually acknowledge that there’s a deposed king who is living it up abroad whom their government cannot touch. At best it sets up a bud to re-take the throne at some future point, with the deposed king now completely loyal and beholden to the foreign king and his government.

    • Trump was exposed to large amounts of highly classified information as president for four years, and has shown a willingness to sell it to the highest bidder. He’d 100% throw the US under the bus to stay in Russia, and his supporters will deny he ever did such a thing just as they deny he publicly called for storming the Capital or as they deny the current charges against him

    •  apis   ( @apis@beehaw.org ) 
      711 months ago

      Oh having the “true” leader of the US in exile would be insanely useful to Putin. Base goes crazy, GOP in disarray, propaganda tool within Russia on perils of democracy etc., bump him off if he kicks off & blame NATO (or whoever).