It is probably due to a number of people stopping using their alts after some instance hopping.

Also a few people who came to see how it was, and weren’t attracted enough to become regular visitors.

Curious to see at which number we’ll stabilize.

Next peak will probably happen after either major features release (e.g. exhaustive mod tools allowing reluctant communities to move from Reddit) or the next Reddit fuck up (e.g. removing old.reddit)

Stats on each server:

  • There is no way for a user to block whole instances, there is no way to know if you’ve been banned from a community or instance, it’s extremely easy for people to evade bans and blocks, you can’t make private communities, armies of extremists are brigading other instances and they’re exploiting Lemmy’s flaws to do it, the list goes on and on.

    Lemmy blows, but give the rubes time. They’ll figure it out.

    • There’s instance-wide blocking on the Connect for Lemmy app, including the option to block everything or only block the communities of that instance and not users. You can make a private community by not federating with anyone on a private instance.

      • Those are just cop-outs. They need to be hard-coded features on the original Lemmy app. If we have to rely on third-party apps for it, we can and should just use another fediverse app entirely.

        I hope someone forks Lemmy at some point.

      • does this also block comments, or only posts? Sync has a similar feature, but only for posts, once inside a post you’re still subjected to their comments. Which for troll communities is honestly the worst part

        •  CoderKat   ( ) 
          19 months ago

          IMO ideally there’d be two separate options. I want to block stuff like foreign language instances or some niche instances so that I don’t see communities hosted on them, but I don’t want to block the users from those instances when they post in other communities.