• The government must enforce the fucking laws that already exist. We have safe passing distance laws here, ive got plenty of video of idiots swerving in on me let alone not giving the proper distance. Send that to cops, they do NOTHING.

    the only thing that seems to get the point across is mass protest rides tying up commutes on a regular basis for 12h. THEN suddenly there is an enforcement blitz, and then it slowly faids off again.

    • What do you think about designing our streets so that cars won’t drive faster than the speed limit simply because they wouldn’t feel safe doing so? Narrow winding streets, on-sreet signs, raised intersections, concrete medians, paving stones, etc.

      For roads, where faster traffic is required, we could avoid danger to bicycles by having a network of bicycle tracks that is separate from car traffic, or protected bike lanes where the geography makes it difficult.