Is this even still a thing? It seems to be pretty well dead. Poe-API shat the bed, GPT4FREE got shut down and it’s replacement seems to be pretty much non-functional, Proxies are a weird secret club thing (despite being nearly totally based on scraped corporate keys), etc.

      • My experience is with gpt4all (which also runs locally), but I believe the GPU doesn’t matter because you aren’t training the model yourself. You download a trained model and run it locally. The only cap they warn you about is RAM - you’ll want to run at least 16gb of RAM, and even then you might want to stick to a lighter model.

        •  Ganbat   ( ) OP
          1 year ago

          No, LLM text generation is generally done on GPU, as that’s rhe only way to get any reasonable speed. That’s why there’s a specifically-made Pyg model for running on CPU. That said, one generation can take anywhere from five to twenty minutes on CPU. It’s moot anyway as I only have 8GB ram.

          • I’m just telling you, it ran fine on my laptop with no discrete GPU 🤷 RAM seemed to be the only limiting factor. But yeah if you’re stuck with 8GB, it would probably be rough. I mean it’s free, so you could always give it a shot? I think it might just use your page file, which would be slow but might still produce results?