i hate them as much as you, but always good to get intel on the enemy

  • FWIW my elderly father, who is a two time Trump voter, admitted that he couldn’t pronounce Ramaswamy’s name right but thought that he’d be a better candidate this time than Trump himself. That’s only one person but if he would make the switch I have to imagine there’s a bunch more as there’s nothing special about my dad. He’s just another Fox News watching Boomer Republican.

    • See, I would love to know how widespead that idea is. I know there are some Trump supporters who are tiring of Trump the person and all the controversy surrounding him, but love the idea of Trump. But do they form a significant number? Polling currently suggets no, but it’s also early in the process.

      Imagine if Vivek did start rivaling Trump. Could you imagine the shitshow that’d be? Terrifying. I wouldn’t know whether to laugh or cry.