• Thats whats tripping everyone up, thinking these corporations are off isolated somewhere just producing climate change gases.

      No, what theyre producing is what you’re buying. When someone says an oil company is responsible for however much greenhouse gas emissions, what they mean is the greenhouse gas emissions when you the customer burn that gasoline in your vehicle. Plus gases emitted processing the oil and getting it to the store for you to buy it.

      These companies “taking responsibility” for their emissions would mean halting production of most things you go and buy.

      • this is a systemic issue, not an individual one. I can’t control what a company does, weather they choose to buy 100% renewable energy or not. and what about their suppliers? how could a consumer possible know about their business practices, let alone influence them? this isn’t about people buying the wrong products. the rich are lighting the planet on fire for a buck, and they must be stopped.

        • How did you read what i wrote and get controlling companies? Its your own damn car, im accusing you yourself of emitting the greenhouse gases youre trying to pawn off on someone else.

            • They are literally the same emissions. If you ever see numbers associated with oil company emissions, the gas burned in your car makes up part of that number. Multiply that by everyone else burning gas in their cars, and you have the emissions associated with oil companies.

              So, theres two ways to stop those emissions. If you think the oil companies themselves are responsible for those emissions, then they stop emitting, which means they stop producing gasoline, you go to the gas station and no one can get gas anymore. That’s oil companies taking responsibility.

              Or, the consumers take responsibility by no longer buying gas. Switching to electric cars or electing people to design less car centric towns.