• I don’t want to invalidate your experience, and I also don’t want to armchair diagnose or anything like that, so I won’t even go in to whether I think that is or isn’t OCD, but if the anxiety feels overwhelming, I’d suggest talking to someone about it.

    I can say from my own experience of definitely having OCD that it literally dictates everything, there is not a single decision I can make in my day that isn’t impacted by it, it is all consuming and on a bad day doing the “wrong” thing (like touching the wrong side of an object) can cause a complete breakdown.

    I’m genuinely not trying to have a go at you, mental illness can have different levels and different people experience things differently, I also don’t think you meant any malice by using the term (and really appreciate your edit!). I just think it’s important to be aware of the language we use and the impact it can have.