It was to talk about “team restructuring”

  • Got to agree with here, although it depends on the scope of your service or project.

    Cloud services are good at getting you up and running quickly, but they are very, very expensive to scale up.

    I work for a financial services company, and we are paying 7 digit monthly AWS bills for an amount of work that could realistically be done with one really big dedicated server. And now we’re required to support multiple cloud providers by some of our customers, we’ve spent a TON of effort trying to untangle from SQS/SNS and other AWS specific technologies.

    Clouds like to tell you:

    • Using the cloud is cheaper than running your own server
    • Using cloud services requires less manpower / labour to maintain and manage
    • It’s easier to get up and running and scale up later using cloud services

    The last item is true, but the first two are only true if you are running a small service. Scaling up on a cloud is not cost effective, and maintaining a complicated cloud architecture can be FAR more complicated than managing a similar centralized architecture.

    • You are paying aws to not have one big server, so you get high availability and dynamic load balancing as instances come and go.

      I agree its not cheaper than being on prem. But it’s much higher quality solutions.

      Today at work, they decided to upgrade from ancient Ubuntu version to a more recent version. Since they don’t use aws properly, they treat servers as pets. So to upgrade Ubuntu, they actually upgraded Ubuntu on the instance instead of creating a new one. This led to grub failing and now they are troubleshooting how to mount disks etc.

      All of this could easily be avoided by using the cloud properly.

      •  wim   ( ) 
        1 year ago

        I used to work on an on premise object storage system before, where we required double digits of “nines” availability. High availability is not rocket science. Most scenarios are covered by having 2 or 3 machines.

        I’d also wager that using the cloud properly is a different skillset than properly managing or upgrading a Linux system, not necessarily a cheaper or better one from a company point of view.

    • I worked in operations for a large company that had their own 50,000 sq ft data center with 2000 physical servers, uncountable virtual servers, backup tape robots, etc… Their cooling bill would like to disagree with your assessment about scaling. I was unpacking new servers regularly because, when you own you own servers, not only do you have to buy them, but you have to house them (so much rented space), run them, fix them, cool them, and replace them.

      Don’t get me wrong, I’ve also seen the AWS bill for another large company I worked for and that was staggering. But, we were a smaller tech team and didn’t require a separate ops group specifically to maintain the physical servers.

      • If you really need the scale of 2000 physical machines, you’re at a scale and complexity level where it’s going to be expensive no matter what.

        And I think if you need that kind of resources, you’ll still be cheaper of DIY.